All New International Applicants - The Process and Timeline

<p>100th post</p>

<p>Hello, sorry for posting here but my when I invited my counselor, he got an invite in his mail and he opted to fill my details online. When he clicked on the link it redirects him on the main page of commomapp with no further instructions. Does he have to make an account? If yes, then how. The only create account link he saw was the applicant one in which there is a column asking whether one is a freshmen or transfer student, which I do not think is correct. Please help.</p>

<p>Just googled this,</p>

<p>"When you create an account on the Common App Online, you must first indicate what
high school you attend. Once this information has been saved, you can access a ‘School
Forms’ section of the Common App where teachers and counselors can be identified. By
adding a teacher or counselor to the list of school officials, an email is triggered to the
teacher or counselor with information about how to log into the Online School Forms
system or how to opt for the “offline” or paper process. You are then able to track the
progress of your teachers and counselors via a screen within the Common App Online.</p>

<p>o Confirm with your teachers and counselor that they have received the email invitation." </p>


<p>[MyCollegeCalendar</a> Blog: The 2012-2013 Common Application Letters of Recommendation - How to ?Invite? Teachers and Counselors](<a href=“”></p>

<p>"10. The next step is to invite all of your teacher recommenders. On the same “School Forms” page, click on the “Invite Official” button below the name of your counselor.

  • In the “Personal Data” box, click the “Teacher” bubble.
  • Enter your teacher’s title, name, and e-mail address.
  • In the “Teachers Only” box, click on “Select” in the small window and choose the subject taught by this teacher from the pull-down list of subjects.
  • Click the “Send Invitation” button on the page bottom.</p>

<li><p>To invite additional teachers, click again on the “Invite Official” button below your counselor’s name in the “Recommenders” box.</p></li>
<li><p>Repeat the steps described in 10. above to add additional teachers.</p></li>
<li><p>After you have added all of your teacher recommenders, on the same “School Forms” page, click on the name of one of your colleges shown at the center top of the page in the dark red “My Colleges” box.</p></li>
<li><p>Near the page bottom, click on “Select” in the small window and choose the name of a teacher who is to send a letter of recommendation to this college.</p></li>
<li><p>Click the “Save” button at the page bottom.</p></li>
<li><p>If you wish to have an additional teacher send a letter of recommendation to this college, click the “Add Recommendation” button at the page bottom and repeat 14. and 15. above.</p></li>
<li><p>Repeat 13. through 16. above for each of your colleges.</p></li>
<li><p>Your counselor and teachers will be contacted via e-mail from the Common Application website to complete and submit their recommendation online.'</p></li>

<p>Thanks @anialways, you are always helpful</p>

happy to help

<p>Please chance me (anialways)
Hi Guys!</p>

<p>I will be very pleased if you chance me.
Here are my stats:</p>

<p>SAT: CR- 600, Math- 700, Writting: 580 (1880)
SAT Subjects: Math-2 750, Phy: 720 Che: 710
Toefl iBt: 103/120</p>

<p>12th mid term: 98%( A.P. State board)
11th Final: 97%( A.P. state- board conducted exam)
10&9th : 10 CGPA ( CBSE)
Good rec letters from phy,math,Eng teachers
Average Ecs
120 hours Community Service
1st Generation
Good Essays</p>

<p>I’m freaking out!! I know SAT is less but I didn’t apply to Ivies though

Chance me based on your past experiences for these Universities

<li>Georgia Tech</li>
<li>University of Minnesota-Twin Cities</li>
<li>Purdue - West Laffayette</li>
<li>Ohio State Uni</li>
<li>Penn State- University Park</li>
<li>NC state- Raleigh</li>

Post edited by feroz007 at 6:08PM</p>

Can anyone tell me does being in IIT Varanasi disqualify me from applying as a freshmen ?

Do we also need to send the projected scores of 12th Finals along with 12th Half Yearlies?,
or will 12th Half Yearlies suffice?,
I am applying early

Hi, I am applying from India. I scored really badly on my half yearly exams due to SAT prep. So is it possible to send in my first pre boards marksheet instead of my half yearly marksheet?

I am applying for fall 17
I have got my transcripts for class 9th, 10th, 11th(all with school and college stamps)
I changed my school after 10th (ICSE-SSC)
In the common app I have added my class 9th and 10th counsellor !
Question 1) how will I upload my class 11 transcript

  1. i got a 55/100 in physics in class 11 but I was among the top 5 ( will less score affect my chances in elite universities)

  2. is class 11 marksheet to be uploaded with the transcript?

Can someone help me convert my ICSE and Class XI scores to Weighted GPA?

Hey Everyone! I am in class 12 as of writing this. I am taking a Gap year to apply to US colleges. I am giving my boards in March and its results will be released in May.

I scored a 1310 on the SAT in May 2016 but wasn’t able to apply due to my pre boards. I am taking SAT II in May (Math 2, Physics and Chemistry) and re taking the SAT in October. (June SAT has been canceled). I also plan to take my AP exams in May too.

As for my extracurriculars I will be doing voluntary work along with making my own internet content. ( If you have any suggestions as to what else I can do please leave them below! )

Do I have to also send my 12th boards mark sheet? Also I had changed schools in class 10, so my high school year has been split into 9 and 10th at one school and 11th and 12 at another. Do i have to send my 9th and 10th transcripts under a different envelope or do i send it with my 11th and 12th one?

What Ive read in other discussions is that your current guidance councillor will put all your grades ( 9,10,11,12th) in one document and I have to send a sealed stamped copy to the Universities I am applying to.

Looking forward to interact with you and hopefully see you in the US.

@BruceVici Create a new thread in the proper place.

@vanillasniper98 Don’t convert into GPA.

@BruceVici Yes, you will have to send in your 12th marksheet - almost all universities require it.

Are you sending your transcripts by post? You don’t have to usually - at least not until you’re admitted. If you’re applying through CommonApp, your counselor will have to upload it online. If it’s not through CommonApp, then different universities have different procedures which you’ll have to check in their websites.

@BruceVici Hi my daughter is going to be a freshman this fall. Like you she had also done 10th and 12th from different boards. We just put the two sealed and school stamped envelopes from the two schools in one bigger one and sent it in. It was accepted without any problems . If you are not sure then you can talk to someone at admissions of the intended college.