All those "special" apps...

<p>You know, now that I'm done with the college apping process, I had to look back and wonder about this point...</p>

<p>Has anyone received those "special" applications to apply to random schools with personalized streamlined apps with special benefits like a quick decision, free application, waived requirements (essays, teacher recs), automatic scholarship consideration, and whatever?</p>

<p>I'm kind of raising an eyebrow at these things... first off, they're mostly from schools I don't even know, and secondly... the links don't even lead to the school's .edu TLD that you would expect. They all lead to some random .org TLD, which seems really shady already... I'm documenting all the "special" apps i've received...</p>

<p>Emory: No special name, generic online "personalized" app [<a href=""&gt;][/url&lt;/a&gt;]
Fordham: Your Choice Application [<a href=""&gt;][/url&lt;/a&gt;]
Rensselaser Polytechnic: Candidate's Choice Application (While this one tops the list for silliness of name, it is the only one in this list that I would even consider attending) [<a href=""&gt;][/url&lt;/a&gt;]
St John's University: Your Personal Application (ha, ha, ha... another very silly name...) [<a href=""&gt;][/url&lt;/a&gt;]
Tulane: Personal Application: [<a href=""&gt;][/url&lt;/a&gt;]
University of Portland: Priority Admission Application [<a href=""&gt;][/url&lt;/a&gt;]
Washington & Lee University: W&L Online Application [<a href=""&gt;][/url&lt;/a&gt;]
Willamette: Willamette Leader's Application (ha, ha... like I'd want to be a leader there...) [<a href=""&gt;][/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>

<p>I have NEVER visited ANY of these schools, nor have I had any contact with them, such as sending SAT scores. I have not demonstrated any interest in any of them at all. I know they picked up my email through the PSAT (It's a spamgourmet disposable address with unlimited sends, so I know which colleges got my email from PSAT).</p>

<p>The best part? They'll give me a deadline (say, December 1st), and then keep nagging me when the deadline approaches. Then, the day after, they'll go, "Hey! We haven't received your app yet! But since you're so special, I'll give you just one more day!"</p>

<p>And then, a week later, when I still haven't submitted, I'll receive ANOTHER email saying "Hey guess what? Since you're super special awesome, I'll extend your special app deadline to January 15th!!! Just for you! Please remember to apply! Save money! 00ber 1337zorz benefits! NOWWWWWWWWW!!!!"</p>

<p>Some schools are looking kind of desperate to get me...</p>

<p>In the end of my junior year, they also offered me some cool guides or quizzes... along with some lovely free info about them. (But I wasn't keeping score back then...)</p>

<p>Has anyone had experience with this weird stuff? Why the fishy-looking .org domains instead of their "real" .edu domain?</p>

<p>don’t recall if mine were .org, but i got a few of those as well.</p>

<p>Drexel (which i used and was accepted to)
Western Carolina
Rhodes College</p>

<p>…all i can think of right now</p>

<p>Rensselaser Polytechnic
St Johns
Agnes Scott

<p>Hah, yeah! Some of them seem easy enough to get in and the app is fee, but too bad they dont wave you out of complete laziness and fees…like paying to send your SAT scores</p>

<p>o yea i got St. John’s too</p>