All Your Questions About JHU's Essay Policies Answered Here (Please Read)

<p>Since there have been a ton of questions about JHU's essay policies over the last few weeks, and since very few of you are searching for answers ... </p>

<p>(((like here: <a href=""&gt;;/a> )))
(((and here: Hopkins</a> Forums -> 2007-2008 Hopkins App. Essays Revealed )))</p>

<p>... I have decided to post this thread to answer those most frequently asked questions.</p>

<p>What is the word count for the essay prompts?
For the JHU essays there are no official word limits or word count suggestions. The first creative essay (communities) is traditionally between 750 - 1000 words when written. Remember you can present this essay in any format, using any medium, you want. The second academic essay (major(s)) is typically shorter and runs between 250-500 words. But as with the first essay, it is your choice how long / how short you want your essays to be.</p>

<p>If applying with the Common Application, which essays do I have to submit?
The 2008-09 application essay policy for a student applying with the Common Application and JHU supplement is as follows: </p>

<li>Required to complete essay #2 (the majors essay) included with the JHU supplement.</li>
<li>Required to complete either one of the Common Application essays OR the JHU supplement essay #1 (the communities essay). </li>

<p>So basically, if you choose to do the Common Application, you must do essay #2 (the majors essay) on the JHU supplement and then either JHU supplemental essay #1 (the communities essay) or one of the Common application essays. The Admissions Office does not have a stated preference about essay choice.</p>

<p>When applying with the Common Application, can I submit three essays -- a Common Application essay and both essays on the JHU supplement?
Yes, you may submit three essays. Do know that if you submit both of the JHU essays (the first creative one (communities) and the second academic one (majors), then your third essays (the Common Application one) will be considered a supplemental essay. With supplemental essays and writing samples, the Admissions committee will make every effort to read them however there is no guarantee such information will be reviewed during the admissions process.</p>

<p>When applying online with the Common Application, how do I submit the forms if I am not doing one of the essays?
This is very simple. If you choose to do both the JHU essays, then when submitting the Common Application, just write "Submitting JHU communities essay" in the box for the Common Application essay upload.</p>

<p>If you choose to submit the Common Application essay only, then when submitting the JHU supplement, just write "Submitting Common Application essay" in the box for the JHU Essay #1 upload.</p>

<p>Remember, everyone must do the JHU Academic Majors essay.</p>

<p>quick question…so if we do the commonapp essay instead of essay choice 1, we just leave the essay 1 space empty right (as in upload nothing and just let it be?) or do we have to upload a blank page in that spot to hold the spot/say we’re using the commonapp essay?</p>

<p>For the JHU Supplement, since I’m submitting the common app, when I submitted the supplement I forgot to upload a blank page saying that I’m submitting the common app essay and not the essay on communities, instead I just didn’t upload anything for the first essay (though of course I uploaded for the second) - should I call the admissions office?</p>

<p>OK, I really not sure why this is so confusing … when applying online you submit your answer to the essay prompts you are answering. If you are not answering a question, then you leave that section blank.</p>

If you are applying with the Common Application and JHU Supplement, and you have chosen to do the two JHU essays and not the Common Application essay then you leave the Common Application essay section BLANK. </p>

If you are applying with the Common Application and JHU Supplement, and you have chosen to do the Common Application essay and the JHU academic “majors” essay, then you leave the JHU creative “communities” essay BLANK.</p>

<p>For those who “can’t” submit their application with a blank field, that is why I suggested the following:</p>



<p>I think you are making this way more confusing than it has to be.</p>

<p>Thank you very much for the clarification.</p>


<p>I submitted common app with JHU supplement.</p>

<p>And I answered two essays even though i don’t have to do community essay.</p>

<p>But i community essay was an interesting topic defining who i am.</p>

<p>Is JHU admission going to look over community essay that i wrote?</p>

<p>of course i did the essay number 2.</p>


<p>“Yes, you may submit three essays. Do know that if you submit both of the JHU essays (the first creative one (communities) and the second academic one (majors), then your ** third essay (the Common Application one) will be considered a supplemental essay.** With supplemental essays and writing samples, the Admissions committee will make every effort to read them however there is no guarantee such information will be reviewed during the admissions process.”</p>

<p>So yes, they’ll definitely look over your community one, it’s your common app essay they might not get to, if I’ve read correctly.</p>

Please read my first post on this thread again – I already answered that question as corretto joe pointed out.</p>