Alls I gotta say is...

<p>COLLEGE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>I loved high school but now that I'm in It just can't get any better than this. </p>

<p>Good luck everyone. </p>

<p>PS. and it really is wayyyyyyy harder than high school.</p>

<p>I don't think it's wayyyyyyyy harder. My college is probably easier lol.</p>

<p>IMO, if college is a lot less assignments and just a few big ones (far as I've heard) and some big exams, I'd prefer that to a hours of homework every night.</p>

<p>Thanks for making us feel even worse about being hs losers... :)</p>

<p>Just kidding, I can't wait for college! Less than 2 years left!</p>

<p>which college</p>

<p>I agree!
except we haven't gotten any assignments yet, and I'm already behind... =/</p>

<p>Well you might not have a lot of assignments but you WILL have readings EVERY night...which basically means hours of homework everyday plus the occasional assignment.</p>

<p>college isn't fun! lol! It's hard work!</p>