<p>an average of 600 pages a week to read and about 2 essays a week to write. I knew it was comin, but it seems harder now that its here haha. hope everyone else is feelin more hopeful about the semester than i am!</p>
<p>work smart, not hard says this passive observer </p>
<p>I’m not trippin’. School is like sex. Buckle down and put in your work for a little while and you’ll get a nice reward at the end.</p>
<p>don’t take so many units you crazy.</p>
<p>I don’t know if u realized this yet…maybe ur a freshman so u haven’t…but u really don’t have to read word for word on all of that. skim, get the main idea, and take good notes that u think will be important. </p>
<p>lmao 123</p>
<p>yeah i know, but the idea of 600 a week is whats killin me haha. Also, im actually only taking 15 units, with only 12 of them being main coursework (3 4 unit courses) but as a history major I am assigned an absurd amount of novels in each class…making it 600 pages a week…oh well, i can manage! haha thanks guys ( :</p>
<p>weed. you’ll blow by 600 pages like the gentle breeze on a beach. of course, i’m not saying you’ll memorize/retain anything you read either, but you could probably come up with some dope essays. :D</p>