<p>I applied to CALS AEM as my primary choice
& Hotel Management as my alternate choice</p>
<p>What do you think my chances are of getting accepted to Hotel if I don't get into AEM because AEM is WAY more competitive than Hotel (although I know Hotel is competitive also)?</p>
<p>I have credentials that would probably be sufficient for a hotelie. (hopefully)</p>
<p>Please reply to me asap!
I REALLY want to get into Cornell. I loooove AEM AND Hotel.</p>
<p>Uh…what makes you think AEM is that much more competitive then Hotel? Hotel is the best school of its kind in the world, and they are looking for very specific candidates. Do you have hospitality work experience? If not, I probably wouldn’t even bother.</p>
<p>From what I understand, each college is required to take a small percentage of students under the alternate college. If you have a true interest in the hotel school, there’s no harm in listing an alternative college. Your chances of getting in really depend on how you’ve presented yourself. The alternative program was intended to give students who have a wider variety of interests an opportunity to be considered by more than one college at Cornell.</p>