Alternate Major for Ling & CS at UCLA?

I’m looking to apply to UCLA’s L&S department Linguistics and Computer Science major, however, I’m not sure what to select as an alternate major.

For context, I am apply to 4 other UC schools as a Computer Science major. However, after reviewing UCLA’s admission policy, I decided not to apply to Samueli Engineering for Computer Science, since I’m not confident in my chances at getting accepted, especially after learning that this school does not review/usually admit into second choice majors.

I have an interesting in designing software, which is why CS has been my primary choice of major. I also have an interest in vocal synthesis (specifically, singing vocal synthesizers, through a secondary arts-related interest of mine), which is why I’ve expressed an interest in the linguistic major. For my second choice major, I’m looking for coursework that is still CS focused (or allows me supplement requisites with CS classes).

Any suggestions? Preferably from people who are/have attending/attended UCLA L&S.

Have you looked at Cognitive Science?

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I’ve researched cog sci, however, I’m not sure if it fits my interests? Or at least, what’s present on my application. I mean, I think it’s an interesting subject (based on the overview I read on the UCLA undergraduate website). I was also looking at the Math in Computing and Data Theory as alt. majors, however, I’m not sure I’m interested in heavy data/stats.

Are you Freshman or Transfer?

UCLA does not consider a Freshman applicants alternate major although you can list one on the application. They will only guarantee to review your primary major.

If you are a Transfer and are TAP certified, then UCLA will consider your alternate major but not a regular transfer.

I am a freshman applicant, senior in HS.

Your major is not considered by admissions when applying to UCLA’s L&S as a freshman.

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