Alternative Major for Engineering?

<p>About 2 weeks ago, I received an email stating I wasn't offered a place in COE. While I did receive an offer to participate in the Engineering Academy at Blinn, I'm considering choosing another major at TAMU with required classes needed for COE students so I can potentially transfer into COE my sophomore year of college. Which option should I choose and what major would fit to my plans?</p>

<p>i’m in COSci (bio major), but i do have a lot of friends in COE. i know that some people did either math major or physics major, then transferred into engineering. More with physics. Both majors have a good amount of COE cbk courses in common (ie math 151/152, phys 218/208, etc.) Make sure to take other COE requirements (engr 111/112) & get a very high gpa. I hear that changing majors into COE is extremely competitive. Best recommendation: email a COE advisor.</p>

<p>I know kids that have majored in physics and transferred into COE at the beginning of their sophomore year.</p>