alumni interview

<p>I have an alumni interview this Thursday. I've never had an alumni interview before, only on campus. What should I wear (I'm assuming something similar to an on-campus interview)? What will they ask me/talk to me about? What should I ask them about?</p>

<p>when i went, i just wore a longish skirt, white top, and white sweater. if you're a guy then that won't work sooo idk. just some nice pants and a collared shirt would be my guess. (i hope you don't have something on here that clearly says you are a girl or something that i am totally not seeing) at mine, they just asked a lot of questions about my interests, why i chose my classes, which ones i most enjoy, what i am looking for in college, my gpa sats, and ecs. i enjoyed mine because there wasn't much pressure and it was very low key. good luck and don't be too nervous!</p>

<p>hmm. i still didn't receive any e-mail about alum interview, but it seems like everyone else here got contacted.
Lindy, any help/insight?
i'm hoping that no interview doesn't negatively affect me....</p>

<p>You may not have received an email about an alum interview if you had one on campus. My D was contacted because we somehow missed getting her an interview (lame, I know). Midd picked it up during the first read-through on the application and we got a call. PS, D was accepted and is a happy member of '09.</p>

<p>I do alumni interviews - I love talking to the students! </p>

<p>Questions I usually ask are: Tell me about your high school. Do you have a favorite subject? A favorite teacher? Have you had any challenges during high school? What takes up most of your time? What do you do for fun? What do you do during the summer? Is there anything not on your application you would like me to convey to the Admissions office - recent honors, etc.? What led you to apply to Middlebury? What activities do you plan to continue when you get to college?</p>

<p>I try to meet students at our local Starbucks - neutral ground. I don't expect them to dress up in a coat and tie, but clean and neat clothes show respect for the process. Wear what's comfortable and <em>you</em>, because you'll feel a lot more relaxed.</p>

<p>Be ready to ask some questions yourself - we love to talk about our experiences there! (Just make sure you aren't asking things that you can find the answers to yourself on the website.) </p>

<p>Every student who applies to Middlebury is supposed to be contacted by a local alum, even if they've had an on-campus interview; it just make take a little longer. If you have not been contacted by now, you can email the admissions office (the general email address) and ask for the name of your local chair.</p>

<p>Mine is tomorrow. Is it terrible to not bring a resume?</p>

<p>I didn't bring a resume. Mine went exceedingly well.</p>

<p>Just know what you've been up to the last 3 years...not too hard, is it?</p>

<p>Do you know how much of an impact the alumni interview has on admission to Middlebury?</p>

<p>Mostly at the extremes. A very negative alumni interview report would presumably hurt more than an ecstatically favorable alumni interview report would help. If you’re good, a supportive alumni interview report confirms what the admissions office already knows. If you’re terrible, the admissions office already knows that too.</p>

<p>When I had my phone interview, my interviewer asked about my courseload in high school, my gap year and he particularly asked about whether I was applying to midd simply because it was a top 5 college or whether I had other motives. He seemed really pleased when I mentioned that I applied because its a great lang school and becaus the intl studies dept is awesome. We had a hearty laugh about quidditch and stuff. But I’m an RD intl applicant and he contacted me fairly early, about a month ago.</p>

<p>My Midd alumni interviewer actually told me, they take them very seriously because the alumns have been to school there. I’m not sure if he was just saying that, but he was the only interviewer that stressed the importance of it.</p>