Am I a competitive candidate for Virginia Tech?

<p>Weighted: 4.2 GPA
UW: 3.1 GPA
ACT: 25
Extra Curricular: President of my Class for Junior and Senior year, Operations officer (S-3) sphomore- senior year, Recording Secretary Junior year, NHHS Treasurer Junior Year, NEHS Vice President Junior year, Student government representative sophomore- senior year.</p>

<p>Sports: Varsity Swim and Track.</p>

<p>Note: Freshman year I was an unmotivated student who failed Geometry and got average grades. I changed my path completely and have taken 8 AP classes from my Junior to Senior year passing with A's and B's. Now I have all A's and B's on my report card with fairly difficult classes from AP Government, AP Enviornment, AP literature, and Honors pre- calculus. </p>

<p>8 AP’s from Sophomore to Senior year *</p>

<p>I think you may get deferred. If you can bring up your ACT or get a great score on the SAT that could help. </p>

<p>That’s quite a bonus you show between your un-weighted and weighted GPA. It may depend upon which College you apply to and certainly how Virginia Tech views applicants from your high school. Good luck.</p>