<p>Asian Male
GPA: 3.815(weighted)
SAT: 2240(780 Math, 700 CR, 760 Writing)
SAT II: Math Leve IIC 760, Chemistry 780
Junior AP: Calc BC(4), US History(4), AP Eng(3), Comp Sci(5), French(4)
Senior AP: AP Literature, AP Biology, MacroEconomics, Statistics
Activities: FBLA, Math Honor Society(VicePresident), Academic Team, National Honor Society
Sports: no school sports
Volunteer: Local Hostpital, Library and Church
Rank: High school doesn't rank,very competitive high school(Princeton, NJ), class of 600(def top 10%)
Recs: 1 Stellar(AP Calculus), 1 Decent(AP Bio)
Essay: Very good, but nothing memorable</p>
<p>What are my chances for Computer Science? Should I look into CIT as well(in terms of chances, but I really want to do Comp Sci). </p>
<p>SCS is very competitive . You seem to have good credentials.
You should also apply in CIT .Transfers between colleges remain possibility once you attend the University.</p>
<p>There’s no reason not to apply to SCS with CIT as your second choice. If you are only accepted at CIT you can talk to people in April about whether it makes sense to go to CMU and hope to transfer to SCS or whether you’ll have other better choices from other univeristies.</p>
<p>Does second choice mean that you have lower chance of getting into that school? Or all choices considered equally? Whats the point of asking us to rank our choices then?</p>
<p>i applied to scs only this year =/. Main thing that stopped me from applying to CIT as well was that my essay was entirely centered around CS and i wasn’t about to tell them i only wanted to be accepted to CIT with the hopes of being able to transfer into SCS… In hindsight, though, i probably should have checked the box for “2nd choice” anyways…</p>