<p>Well, I didn't want to tell you that because I thought it would lower your self-esteem. But now that it's out in the open....</p>
<p>Your poem was crap. And I mean that in the worst sense of the word. ;)</p>
<p>If you feel your self-esteem slowly draining away, just re-read post 57 and pretend this one doesn't exist.</p>
<p>Haha, thanks yo! You know what they say, honesty is the best policy. Anyway, I knew it was crap.</p>
<p>And about the philosophy thing, what do you mean what can I do in philosophy???</p>
<p>What can you do w/ philosophy, I mean?</p>
<p>I know you don't want to end up rich but if you're cutting ties w/ Father Riches, you need something to live on.
Maybe you can be a sort of modern-Socrates and just sit on the steps of Penn Station and give people advice. But I guess that's what we have the unconfined mentally ill for. </p>
<p>That was a mean thing to say. I'll stop.</p>
<p>Haha, philosophy isn't (just) for the mentally ill. Philosophical books are the only books that keep me sane in my world. It is true though, you have to wait a while before making the big bucks in philosophy (like until you get a PhD or write a decent book), but there are so many tagents in philosophy: literature, math, physics, psychology, politics, business, and even medicine are all linked to philosophy. And in this day and age, we are lacking the philosophers needed to keep humanity on track. Every age had their fountainhead philosophers, the cornerstones that guided their people. Who do we have? The only man I can think of off the top of my head is Edward O Wilson (as far as pure philosophy is concerned.)</p>
<p>I love how philosophy is related to the Ti-89. o_O</p>
<p>Well, sunshineyday brought it up!!!!</p>
<p>Yeah I got lost somewhere around there</p>
<p>Your conversation was concluded anyway, right? I mean how long can you keep on talking about a friggin calculator???</p>
<p>Oh, well that guy kept plugging the HP and bashing on the 89. I had to defend my baby :(</p>
<p>I understand, I understand. A mommy's gotta do what a mommy's gotta do :p.</p>
<p>Haha yes I know :o</p>
<p>Philosophy + Calculator = </p>
<p>He who hast bought this Ti-89 is a magnificent man indeed; for this calculator is not merely an electronic device, but it is the very fabric upon which the heavens are made. What other object hast nutured so many helpless souls in the dreaded, hellish math classes, which hast plagued humanity for so many a century? Indeed, it is an angelic object and the man who hast the fortune to feast his eyes upon its heavenly presence is a truly bless</p>
<p>Now all the TI-89s are coming out in those platinum models.</p>
<p>My model has been obsoleted... nooooooooo!</p>
<p>@post#71: Don't be embarrased, you go to MIT, you have the right to defend any calculator the way you want to. MIT and Caltech are the only colleges that do 'cause they actually have students who love doing what they do just for doing it, not for the incentive of making a lot of dough in the future--at least that's what I've heard.</p>
<p>Oh lol, well I was joking about my being protective of the calculator. I'm just having fun here :p</p>
<p>Yes, yes, you can blame me for the detour. I always accidentally hijack threads. nyjunior: So philosophy in terms of writing and creating literature. That makes sense.</p>
<p>Maybe I should say something about the calculator to pay homage to this thread. Ummm....calculators make calculating numbers easier.</p>
<p>I wonder what nyjunior will do next. (This way, even if he deletes the post, I'll still come out on top.)</p>
<p>Awww, that's so cute, you're talking to yourself. You know, my neice (sort of) does that a lot too, and she's really cute.</p>
<p>Edit: haha, even when you deleted your post (which was originally #78) you're still talking to yourself.</p>
<p>Yes Ti-89 is nice.</p>
<p>Ti's rock. Anyone know how to get Pokemon to play on a Ti?</p>