<p>I currently attend UCLA. I am not in a major yet because you have to apply to be in the communications major. It is very competitive and most students don't get in. Basically, I have already closed the door on that one. I have been filling out transfer apps for communications/public relations programs and schools because I have realized that's what I really want to do...NYU, Syracuse, Emerson, BU, American. Should I stick with UCLA and just major in something else...sociology, spanish, history, etc. and then just do PR internships and hope for the best? Does it really matter to graduate with a BA in comm or PR? Am I crazy for thinking about giving up UCLA? I live in state so tuition is sooo cheap and the prestige is undeniable. HELP!</p>
<p>One of my closest friends heads a big international PR firm. She Recently explained to my DD that her company never hires PR majors, as they are typically from average state schools and have been taught rote PR tasks. She’d prefer to train within. </p>
<p>She hires the best students from the best schools because she’s looking for super smart young people who can deal with high level clients. Stay at UCLA and major in anything.</p>
<p>^^^Agree. With few exceptions (eg. engineering), a smart, hard working person can work in many fields. Stay at UCLA and major in something you like.</p>