Am I Doing Enough?

<p>Hi, I know this is very cliche, but I'm trying to get into MIT next year and I can't think of anything else I could do to show them my dedication to physics and how much i would like to study it there. I am a Junior, top student of the school, dual enrolled at University of South Florida (A+ average there). Next semester I will be taking Calculus III, Physics 2 w/ calc, and Bridge to Abstract Math (A math course introducing different advanced math topics in numebr theory, group theory, etc). I go to a performing arts school and study cello for 2 hours a day. I write techno music in my free time, do some extreme scootering and biking, and work in a lab at the University. URL - "<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;". I'm away from my house 6:30 am-10pm every weeknight at school. </p>


<p>User Name: nwoodward
Race: W
Gender: M
Location: Tampa, FL
College Class Year: 2014
High School: Public
High School Type: rarely sends grads to top schools
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.90
GPA - Weighted: 6.40
Class Rank: top 5 students
Class Size: 200</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 770
SAT I Critical Reading: 590
SAT I Writing: 620
SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 800
SAT II Physics: 730
SAT II Chemistry: 800</p>

Calc AB - 5
Comp Sci A - 5
Chem - 5
World History - 4
(all sophomore year)</p>

Linear Algebra - A+ (highest grade)
Engineering Calculus - A+ (highest grade)
Calculus II - A+ (highest grade)
Physics I - A+ (highest grade)
Geometry - A
(fall semester)</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: MAO - president (10th, 11th)
Science Club
French Club - Treasurer (10th)
College/High School Tutor
I do the talent show every year, get the biggest cheers.</p>

<p>I write techno music and ride BMX</p>

<p>I take 12 hours at the local university each semester
Athletic Status - list sport and your level: I actively ride bikes (BMX) and scooters
Volunteer/Service Work: I volunteer about 10 hours a week in a physics lab helping grad students at USF. We are currently setting up a PDS experiment to test out samples we make for crystaline hard drives and solar cells.
Honors and Awards: 9th place Alg II County Math Bowl - 9th grade
USF Honors College Summer Program - Award for Overall Excellence (Highest)
10th place Calculus County Math Bowl - 11th grade
Hillsborough County Scienc
College Summer programs: USF Honors College Summer Program - Engineering Calculus, Linear Algebra, and programming</p>

<p>Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>The only thing I think is really holding you back is your SAT I scores. Most everything else has already happened, so you may want to focus on those and other things you can change. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Make sure you apply to some other schools too, like USF. :)</p>

<p>yeah, i took them last year just to see how the SAT was. thanks!</p>

<p>:) Looks like you’re on the right track. Make sure that the summer before your senior year that you do something interesting too (volunteer, intern, take classes, etc.).</p>

<p>I’ve also heard that MIT especially is particularly keen about nationally recognized science competitions and organizations. Perhaps you could get involved in one of those somehow as well?</p>

<p>Oh, and while you may have performed in the talent show, that’s not exactly something that’s gonna be a maker/breaker for the your apps. You don’t need to put that on. :P</p>

<p>It looks like you’ve got a great resume going for you (though I’d definitely study up on the reading/writing portions of the SATI, as they seem to be your weakness). The only other thing I’d recommend is making sure your personal statements thoroughly cover non-school related topics, as there is such a thing as TOO dedicated, believe it or not.</p>

<p>IBM, ISEF, and ACT. that is all.</p>

<p>Your SAT I scores are a bit low (so are mine…I’m going to take the ACT instead). Otherwise, your extracurriculars are extremely diverse and your academics are superb. I wouldn’t worry!</p>


<p>If I was a college admissions officer, I would let you in right away!
“top student in the school, dual enrolled at USF”</p>

<p>yea sat scores are a bit low no offense. I’m not applying to any ivies but I still have a higher score, again no offense.</p>

<p>randy, what is IBM and ISEF?</p>

<p>Those are some insane classes you took at USF, you have a good shot, like others have said, bring your SAT I scores up.</p>

<p>you oughtta take the SATs again. </p>

<p>shoot for 800 in Math, and go for at least 650 in everything else. definitely not below 600.</p>

<p>but you look great overall. as it stands, you would be qualified for admission right now. but no qualified student is guaranteed, so scoring higher on the SATs can increase your chances.</p>


<p>User Name: nwoodward
Gender: M
Location: Tampa, FL
College Class Year: 2014
High School: Public
High School Type: rarely sends grads to top schools
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.90
GPA - Weighted: 6.40
Class Rank: top 5 students
Class Size: 200</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 790
SAT I Critical Reading: 630
SAT I Writing: 670</p>

<p>8th place Calculus Middleton regional Invitational - 11th grade</p>

<p>Boston University Summer Research with MIT professor Dr. Moodera 2009</p>

<p>currently taking
Calculus III
Vector Calculus
Bridge to Abstract Math
Physics II w/Calculus and Lab
Undergraduate Research</p>

<p>AP tests taking this year
Calc BC
Physics C: M and E&M
US History

<p>Is your weighted GPA seriously above 6? 0_0</p>