<p>I'm working on this film analysis group project. And my group members think the movie is one thing, but I think it's another. Since I've watched the movie 3 times and (them one time), I understand what to look for and how to analyze it in a way that the teacher will like it. </p>
<p>An analogy:
My group members describe the American Flag as a flag with blue, red and white colors and that it flutters in the wind.
I describe it as a symbol of patriotism that also enables other struggling nations to look upon it as a shining beacon (this is an analogy,please don't start posting about how USA sucks. Thanks).</p>
<p>I really want to ignore them and write the entire damn paper myself. I'm scared that the teacher will say that the paper sounds like a 9th grader wrote it and count off a ton of points. We have an oral presentation, so the finished paper will sound almost nothing like it.</p>
<p>Should I do it?</p>
<p>I should because:</p>
<p>I don't want to get a bad grade
There is no wrong answer but there is a simple response and a complex response. The simple response might as well be wrong.
I like being right. =P
If I present something I don't really believe in, I babble.</p>
<p>I shouldn't because:</p>
<p>Too much work
It's senior year and I'm already in at a good uni
Might get group members mad at me
I'm acting like I have a stick up my ass and it really doesn't matter.</p>
<p>Don't get me wrong, I actually like working with my group; just that I think that they are completely missing the point.</p>
<p>First, when it comes to analysis there is a wrong answer, trust me and the millions of slightly irritable English teachers out there.</p>
<p>Second, your group isn’t analyzing at all if they are just pointing out obvious facts, refer them to Bloom’s Taxonomy (also lauded by English teachers).</p>
<p>Third, try and explain the issues with their “analysis” to your group members, use analogies and try not to be condescending (not saying that you are, but from past experience it is easy to be, condescending that is). And try and synchronize your oral presentation with your written one by persuading your group members, try and get them on your side so that you don’t have to strike it out alone.</p>
<p>Fourth, consider the fact that you may be wrong, don’t just assume that your analysis is correct. If your group is unwilling to accept your analysis try and work together to come to a new analytical conclusion together. </p>
<p>Fifth, no you are not overreacting, as far as I can tell. Unless of course you are in real life and this mild post on the web is simply a muted expression of the feelings and actions you are respectively feeling and taking in real life.</p>
<p>:-( what should i have written instead of flutters in wind?</p>
<p>assuming we get a 70 on the project (worth 2 test grades), I’ll likely end up with low 80 for the six weeks.
The last six weeks I would need a 65 minimum to pass for an 80 semester average (any lower and I’ll have to take final exams).
Knock on wood =P
I’m guessing it’s a “time to play video games and watch tv” kind of day then?</p>
<p>Oh, and one of the people in the people in the group seems to be the type that’s like “I do wutevah I want. Imma right and if it annoys you, suck it.” I really rather not reason with someone like that.</p>
<p>Lol, I meant that if they had said “flutters in the wind,” then it would have truly been an inadequate response. </p>
<p>But since the project is important for your GPA’s welfare, I would just go ahead and write it myself. Offer to write the essay (no one should object), take suggestions from others (no need to pay heed, though), and hand in the project personally to your teacher (they don’t need to read it over).</p>
<p>you could say something like: “The American Flag, as a flag with blue, red and white colors, is a symbol of patriotism that also enables other struggling nations to look upon it as a shining beacon.” I dontknow, just a suggestion. </p>
<p>No offense to your group or anything, but: WOW, what kind of ■■■■■■■ would describe things with “flutters in the wind”? Everything flutters in the wind, including your dead paper if you and your group decide to put that in there. Sorry, I just think that thats really immature, are they trying to be funny or something? It just that I would never write like that. :</p>