<p>I put that i was doing linear algebra 2nd semester on my app and got accepted, however now i'm dropping the class. is this going to get me rescinded??? im freaking out right nowwwwww</p>
<p>You’ll have to call the admissions office. I hear that if it’s a required class (ie. that they based accepting you with THAT information)… there’s a chance you’ll get rescinded.</p>
<p>aite thanks</p>
<p>You HAVE to call them. I recommend not dropping until you ask them.</p>
<p>i knew someone last year that listed that he was taking some college classes like Calc second semester, but didn’t them. He was accepted and was freaked in a similar way…i dont exactly know how he resolved it, im sure he called them, but he is currently a student at UCLA so im sure it was ok. if this math class was an extra to the satisfied requirements i bet youll be fine</p>
<p>^^ this is EXACtly what happened to me last year, i posted my situation on CC
in my situation i said i was taking calc 3 at a community college 2nd semester on my college application however it would conflict with my EC’s (because it was late at night…)such as volleyball and scouts ( i was still trying to get eagle) so i wanted to drop the class, (plus i wasnt doing well at all)</p>
<p>i called them and told them a bunch of excuses like “the college is too far”, “i can’t get eagle scout cuz i have to be active and go to the meetings but class time was during the meetings” and some other crap</p>
<p>i called 3 ppl admissions officers, one was like “i don’t think this will affect your admissions and but we dont know for sure” one person was like “yooo, u put this down on your application and you were accepted based on the info you gave us, so it might affect your admissions” and then one person said “im pretty sure this won’t affect it but i can’t tell you for sure”
to be safe, i ended up just finishing the class but dropped some of my EC’s(in their minds classes are more important ECs), i ended up getting a C in the calc class and now im at ucla</p>
<p>yeah this is an extra class. i dropped it today. im hoping this all works out!!!</p>
<p>I’m not sure if it’s appropriate for me to post this on this thread, but I was wondering what I should do with all of these problems that I’ve yet to report. I’m horrified of getting rescinded :(</p>
<p>I dropped AP Physics (W for both semesters)- Senior Year </p>
<p>I misreported one semester grade (put down A instead of B) - Junior Year</p>
<p>I switched from advanced honors precalc to advanced precalc, but designated both semesters as advanced honors (honors is a weighted course) - Junior Year</p>
<p>I dropped AP Chemistry (B first semester, W second semester) - Junior Year</p>
<p>^ ouch! that sucksssss</p>
<p>isn’t the feeling that you might get rescinded THE WORST??? i hate it. everyone at my schools like oh congrats at ucla! am im thinking oh crap what if i get rescinded?! that would be very embarrassing…</p>
<p>^ i went through 3 situations where i thought i was going to get rescinded…lol it sucks ass…
anyways…@themoonisdown, why do u have so many errors, you have like a year to work on your application, anyways they eventually check for inconsistencies during the summer, u should call an admissions officer or u can gamble it and hope they dont rescind u during the summer…however i would call because you don’t want this on your conscious over the summer and you want options just in case they take it away so you at least go to college next year,
i dont think your errors are too bad…i understand the thing senior year but junior year errors could have easily been avoided</p>
YOU HAVE TO CALL THEM. If you do not tell them about changes, that’s just really bad. Hopefully you have a good excuse for your dropped classes. I dunno about the junior year one…I reread my app about ten times before sending it in.
You gotta figure out what you want to say, how you want to say it, and report it ASAP.</p>
<p>So we apply as a senior, but you have so many mistakes on your junior year? Sounds like someone tried to risk lying about some stuff in their apps… how can you seriously “forget” you dropped classes or what grade you got?</p>
<p>I didn’t “forget” that I withdrew from them; It was a misunderstanding that dropped classes that exceed one’s a-g requirements require mention.</p>
<p>Hi, so I’m in a similar situation, wondering if my offer is going to be rescinded? What happened was I dropped out of a community college class, pre-calculus, just this semester. There were a lot of factors involved; mainly it was just at an inconvenient time and place, and plus I’d already taken HS honors pre-cal last year (I was going to take the CC precal so I wouldn’t forget my math, but it was just so repetitive, I felt like I didn’t need it). Plus, between the stress of job-searching, scholarship applications, and my other classes, it didn’t feel like it was worth it. </p>
<p>So this semester I’m taking AP literature, economics, piano, and a community college biotechnology class (and P.E., but I don’t think colleges recognize that class?). Last semester I got A’s in all my classes. (I have a straight-A record, so that’s probably why they accepted me in the first place :P) But will the dropped pre-cal class mess things up?? I’m only taking four classes, not including P.E… so I’m worried they’ll think I’m slacking or something. D: Help!</p>
<p>One more question: if I got an I (incomplete) in one course, but later earned an A for it when I turned in all the work, will they see the “I” in my transcripts?</p>
<p>Any help is VERY VERY VERY much appreciated. Thanks so much!</p>
<p>Hey everyone,
Just a note to all: your acceptance offer will NOT be rescinded UNLESS: you fail to report it to the admissions office. if one of the classes dropped/failed is a class in the A-G requirements, u NEED to complete it. u cannot attend UCLA if you fail to meet the admission requirements. talk to the admissions office to find out what to do. usually, you can just take the class during the summer before you attend UCLA.</p>
<p>also, another fact to know: you do NOT get accepted in to UCLA just because of grades, so please get that thought out of your mind. u all got accepted due to ur personal statements, grades, scores, extracurriculars, amongst other things. so keep in mind, that grades were not the deciding factor in your acceptance into UCLA. :)</p>
<p>hope this all helps!</p>
<p>(if u have anymore questions, i’d love to help. im a senior & i’ve worked with UCLA administration for the past 3 years, so i can pretty much tell u wat u need to kno. if not, i can tell u who to talk to :))</p>