<p>Ok so for the first semester of my freshman year i owe 950 after financial aid. I paid it. But they appearantly didnt apply my financial aid yet and it is still pending (it is a institutional grant). They said my balance (5500) is late and the gave me a "late balance encumbrance" which means they cut you off from all service. What to do? And I havent even started.</p>
<p>You need to call the Financial Aid Dept. at your college and speak with them directly.</p>
<p>That gets their attention more than a phone call or in-person complaint. I had an issue with the FA office that really screwed me over, I wrote a letter and I got a call from the head of FA himself apologizing and straightening things out.</p>
<p>Did you make sure you weren’t supposed to click anything saying to defer your bill because of financial aid?</p>
<p>I’ve had problems where my financial aid was going to be canceled completely because they thought I blatantly lied about something… and I called, the office directed me to a higher authority to whom I explained the situation and showed her that she made a mistake. She immediately fixed it. Just call.</p>