Am I in Good Shape for any IVY leagues or colleges at that level (Stanford, etc)?

<p>My stats:</p>

<p>Currently sophomore in high school. High school ranks 620's in U.S. News & World Report (Is this a high rank? although... I am not sure if this website is 100% reliable..... is it?) </p>

<p>I am first generation immigrant from S. Korea, came here when I was 8. Both my parents never graduated college, and I don't think they ever got accepted to one. </p>

<p>In Freshman year I took all the highest possible courses except English - that was still Honors too.</p>

<p>I got All A's for final grade (my high school doesn't go by semester grade.. I don't think) except on that English class.......
UW GPA: 3.86 / Weighted GPA : 4.5</p>

<p>Right now, sophomore year, I am taking the highest possible classes again, except English - taking English 10 Honors. It looks like I can get All A's again, except on French III Honors, although there's still possibility it's a very low one..</p>

<p>I had to take a music credit and Health/PE class for freshman and sophomore year in order to graduate. So basically, I took all honors + classes that was possible. Now, starting on Junior and Senior year, I am going to take all Honors +.</p>

<p>For Junior year, I am going to take 5 AP courses, even in English (challenging myself), and Computer Science 4 G/T because it doesn't have an AP course, and French IV Honors.</p>

<p>For Senior year, although I haven't really planned, I am still going to challenge myself to look like I don't slack off. I will take at least 5 AP + AODD G/T and I am not sure if I should take French V AP.. judging from how I am doing in French III Honors, I don't think I should. French doesn't really interest me either so it is really hard to try to study for and even when I do I just don't seem like I get the concept, no matter how hard I try. Still, I am going to keep on trying, so I will see by the end of Junior if I am going to take an AP French course.</p>

<p>I also believe I will be around 10% percentile in my grade...
If I manage to get all A's for the next 2 years, definitely above 10%</p>

<p>I don't have an outstanding Extra Curricular.. although I am continuously participating 3-5 clubs each year, and am planning to take a sport this year and 2+ sports next year.. </p>

<p>I am also planning to participate in community services during the Summers.</p>

<p>So what do you guys think ._. As long as I keep this performance, do you guys think I have a shot at the most selective colleges?</p>

<p>Those colleges have a lot of applicants with perfect or near perfect grades and high test scores. It takes something extra beyond that to get into the tippy top colleges (an outstanding EC, which you mentioned that you don’t have). Or a really big committment to some specific type of community service or something like that. I am guessing that being Asian could reduce your chances of admissions, although maybe being first gen could help some. I would say you need to (1) figure out a way to improve your ECs, and (2) be sure you pick a few schools that are less selective to shoot for as well as top schools.</p>

<p>Well, the majority of your post focuses on class schedule. That’s obviously important, but there is much more to the whole process. GPA, SAT1, SAT2, class rank, awards, EC, etc. are just as important, some possibly moreso. I don’t want to calculate your gpa for you, so just post that in the beginning. Have you taken the SAT or ACT? </p>

<p>We can’t know if you’re on the right track without the above stats. From what you’ve given us, I think you are just barely viable. Participation in clubs is good, but you don’t seem to have anything special. No leadership, nothing unique, no niche. You have a shot if the rest of your grades are A’s and you get above a 2300, but you NEED awards and EC’s to make you stand out. To be honest, a highly selective school would probably just classify you as a “typical asian” with no defining traits.</p>

<p>Do things that are unique and special. Get leadership. Win awards. Possibly do an internship. Get a high SAT score. Get A’s. If you do all that, you have a very good shot. As it stands, not so much.</p>

<p>Oh yes, I already have couple “safe schools” in mind. I was just wondering if it was worth thinking of applying to them</p>

<p>you are very out of shape for these top schools… but ur a sophy, still have 2 years to get in shape. heh.
gotta pick up ur EC’s and step up you game!
its sucks cause getting a high gpa with challenging courses is no longer considered an achievement…It actually is, but colleges just don’t consider it to beeeeeeeeee one =(</p>