<p>So I im applying to choate and the deadline was today (jan 10). I sent my graded essay about a week and a half ago and it still hasnt been processed/received by admission. my math teacher also sent a recommendation before the holidays so i gave it about a week+ to get through (because of vacation ect). after that extra week, there was no sign of my math recommendation being completed so i gave my teacher another outline to fill out incase it didnt make it. there STILL is no sign of it being received. Im freaking out. I sent an email to my interviewer about this...no reply. can these 2 documents prevent me from admission? what can i do? both were sent by mail. could it take weeks for it to get there? I practically live on campus...</p>
<p>Any info is appreciated.</p>
<p>hey at least you got your stuff turned in! most of the deadlines for my schools are on the 15th and i havent even started some applications yet. AHH.</p>
<p>the thing is idk if they actually received it, could it be lost in the system somewhere?</p>
<p>how do you know they are going to tell you that they’ve received it? did the school mention anywhere on their website, etc., that they notified applicants when the application has been received?</p>
<p>Choate has a system, more like a check list, of all the parts required.</p>
<p>Interview Completed
Application Submitted
English Recommendation Received
Math Recommendation Received *
School/Counselor Report Received
Supplemental Recommendation Received
Application Fee Received
Transcripts Received
Current Grades Received
Graded Essay Received
Test Scores Received
- Recommendation status will be updated 48 hours after the submission of your online application. Paper recommendations may take longer to process.</p>
<p>everything in the list has a box next to it. for me everything is checked…except graded essay and math recommendation</p>
<p>if youve already emailed them and gotten no reply, i suggest you give them a call ASAP.
and also, what was the purpose of giving your teacher another form? did she/he submit one to the school already prior to you giving him/her another one?</p>
<p>I didnt email the documents, i mailed them. and yes my teacher did submit her original recomendation however, after 2 weeks it still was never processed.</p>
<p>i meant the email as in the email you sent to your interviewer. you might want to call the school and ask them if they’ve received the math recommendation. have your parents call the admissions office, that’s your best bet on this one. the only other thing i can think of is that it could be a possible glitch on their checklist system.</p>
<p>its 7:14pm, there wouldn’t be anyone there at this hour…i’ll call bright and early tomorrow morning, thanks for the help :)</p>
<p>no problem
glad i could help and good luck!</p>
<p>Hold on, zpsoccer, I’d take a breath before you start calling the admissions office. Your application was one of hundreds, if not thousands, received by Choate - most of which probably came in within the past week. If something is submitted online, it updates automatically. When something comes in by mail, it has to be filed by hand. For the number of applications they’ve received within the past several days, that’s going to take time - quite possibly weeks!</p>
<p>So please don’t call the admissions office the morning after the due date to see if they have two (out of 10+) pieces of your application. Give them at least a week to get things sorted out. If the online system still doesn’t acknowledge receipt of the essay & recommendation, then give them a call.</p>
<p>Look at it this way - once they know they have something, they’ll post it online. If you call before they know, the only thing they’ll be able to say is that they’re surrounded by piles of mail and they just don’t know yet. I understand you’re anxious, but if every anxious applicant called them the morning after the deadline, they wouldn’t have time to open any of the mail!</p>
<p>Thank you so much dodger
calling them was my last resort but now i have the patience to wait (: i really appreciate it</p>
<p>Dear “Applicant”</p>
<p>As January 10th approaches we have a few guidelines and reminders that will help the application process go smoothly for all:
Applications should be postmarked, or electronically submitted by the end of the day on the 10th.</p>
<p>You can imagine what our mailroom looks like for the next two weeks! We respectfully ask that you do not call or email to inquire whether we have received your materials. Please allow until January 25th for us to process and update the status of your application online. If you sent it on the 10th trust that it will make it here…and we will account for it online as soon as possible. On the smallest of possibilities that it is not received and acknowledged by the 25th, (lost in the mail) please know that we will work with any applicant without penalty to recover or resubmit that document. In my many years in admission, this is a rarity.</p>
<p>If you send something via fax or email, please do not send a hard copy in the mail…you can imagine how much time is spent filing or destroying duplicate copies. Keep the hard copy in a file somewhere safe at home. Share this request with your school so that they might help reduce this inefficiency as well.</p>
<p>We respect the fact that some schools are doing everything they can to get materials here on time and many schools have been in contact with us if this is an issue. Please know we understand, are very reasonable and work with schools to get materials here in a timely manner. Your priority is getting the part you are responsible for here on time.</p>
<p>Thanks for listening and good luck with your applications!</p>
Ray Diffley and the Choate Admission Team</p>
<p>Wow this thread was really helpful. I only have four items checked of the 14 pieces of my application. I was fretting a while ago, but now I’ll wait patiently until January 25th. Thanks dodgersmom and kraordrawoh!</p>
<p>definitely wait at least a week for it to get through, particularly if it was a paper admission. those things take so so so long to file properly in the system.</p>
<p>Yeah, same thing happened to me last year.
Some documents I did online, and some documents had to be sent through mail and it took a while for them to file away everything and check them off.</p>
<p>Funny thing, I remember last year my parents and I were so worried that the materials didn’t get through that we called them, but no one picked up during the regular admissions hours. It was pretty stressful at the time, but I mean, here I am now. :D</p>
<p>@swampedwithwork - How did that turn out, when my child checked the application status the other day the Transcipts and School Report were not checked off. I have noted this to the school and they insist that the forms were sent…</p>