<p>I was wondering if it's likely or a bit of a stretch for me to get a 34-35 on the ACT. I want a 36, but realistically...it's not so likely :P</p>
<p>Here are my previous scores:
7th: 24
9th: 28
10th: 31
11th (December 2012, with writing): 32
my writing score was a 9, combined english/writing 32.
Thank you :)</p>
<p>a 33-36 is all considered the 99% in scores. The difference between them is often one or two questions. It’s hard to say, especially since there’s not much you can do to improve your chances. I’d say your best bet is to just keep taking for it, hoping for a little luck. A 32 is completely respectable though, don’t forget that!</p>
<p>Definitely, just take some more practice tests and look over what you got wrong and you should be golden!</p>
<p>Certainly, I went from a 31 to a 34 after I went through a Princeton Review</p>
<p>Since you have so much experience with the test it’s more of just your attitude during the test. Make sure your relaxed and have the attitude that you will succeed during the test. </p>
<p>I’m going to assume that you have studied for the test as you’ve taken the test 4 times, so couple weeks before the test just do some practice tests.</p>
<p>Taking the test in June should help your chances. The June administration is supposedly the “easiest”. A lot of people seem to get their highest scores then.</p>
<p>^That is false. It doesn’t matter if the test is easier. Easier test = harsher curve = lower scores.</p>