Am I preparing to early for the ACT?

<p>I took the ACT in april and got a 21. I did not prepare much before, i took the test so that is probably why I only got a 21. And since a couple days ago I have started to prepare for the september ACT. Am I preparing too early? The test is not for another 3 months but I really want to start preparing, is that bad? I'm aiming for at least a 24 so I can get a scholarship I want. I'm alsompreparing early so i can know the test inside and out and not be intimidated on test day. I have ordered 4 test prep books to do good. So is this too much? Should i hold off on studying till say july or august?</p>

<p>is anyone going to reply? please?</p>

<p>^ It’s never too early, study away!</p>

<p>Yep, there’s no reason not to start now. In fact, aim higher than a 24! With this much time, you can bring it up even higher and get even more scholarship money.</p>

<p>I don’t think you are studying too early at all. I’ve just recently started studying for the ACT as well, except I am taking a modified ACT for a special program at a local college that won’t be until December. Therefore I’m probably in a worse case than you (laughs). Studying early will give you higher scores, and the higher your scores are the more likely you will be given your scholarship. It’s unfortunately unlikely you will get a scholarship with just meeting the criteria versus others who have exceeded. Therefore you should probably review the materials on your prep books sub section by sub section from each of the four test reviews a day ( it’s more efficient to study all sections slowly but all together) in attempt of mastering them and constantly review ones you already finished reviewing (this will take more time if you still have). If you still have time after that take the extra time to master each section by taking practice tests weekly (or so) and then reviewing what you find yourself making errors on(most prep books include practice tests and explanations).</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I am not trying to come off as critical by any means, but try to type with proper grammar. This will help your English score because it will make you just “know” what sounds correct.</p>

<p>I think you should shoot for a higher score, just to be safe with the scholarship and even college admissions. I hope 1 of the books you have ordered is the one by the test makers</p>




<p>You really need to work on your grammar. Your comma placement in the second sentence is just one clear example. Anyways, good luck with your studying.</p>

<p>The only problem I see with studying too early is that you might end up using all your practice tests up. You definitely want to keep a couple of those for the last few weeks, just to warm yourself up.</p>

<p>The “grammar competition” between those 2 are hilarious!</p>