<p>Surprise! its yet another chances thread</p>
<p>competitive ny high school
95 w average. i missed 10th decile by .15 points, im afraid that this may have killed any chance of me getting in
SAT: 720v, 690v, 680w retaking in dec
SATII: US history 700 Bio 650(ew)
AP: 4s on world, chem and american
Schedual: All hardest classes possible. will have 8ap courses finished by end of this year. A's in everything except math(2 b's, im really not a math person)
EC: volunteer/work at animal hosp. 4yrs 25hr/week
President/cheif editor KWN, a film making club
Secretary TRI-M(music h soc.)
Many years of flute
Co-president german club
varsity softball 3 yrs
Honor Society
Some other stuff i can't think of right now</p>
<p>Any thoughts would be really appreciated. Notre Dame is my absolute dream school but im afraid that my not being in the top 10% may have destroyed my chances. Thanks!!</p>