Am I settling for Uconn?

<p>All right, so here's the deal. I was accepted to UConn and will most likely be going there for business. But, am I settling? Like is this too easy of a college for me to go to? I didn't get any money here fyi.
So here are my credentials..
-rank 9/260 students
-I have taken Spanish & Italian for three years each in High School
-I have taken 4 AP classes
-I do tons of extra curriculars
-I have a part-time job</p>

<p>So is UConn a good enough school for me, or am I settling?</p>

<p>No. No college is “settling”, the ability to get an education especially at a school like UConn is most certainly a blessing. The work we do in high school should not be to get into a certain “caliber” of college, it should be the building of work ethic that we are going to possess for the rest of our lives.
You are a good student and will probably be very successful in life. Congratulations on your university acceptance, with a 49% admission rate there are tons of students who probably wish they could be in your position. </p>

<p>So no you are not settling. </p>

<p>For what it is worth, I am from Texas and I even know about UConn.</p>

<p>there are loads of very talented students at uconn. the number of HS valedictorians choosing uconn increases every year. will you be in the honors program? are you instate? btw, the business program is very well respected, especially in the northeast.</p>

<p>Do you have the option of better schools? It’s still early, why are you choosing it? To me, many colleges can be considered settling. f you’re choosing it because it’s what you’re family can afford that’s one thing, if you’re going to be with your friends, that’s another.</p>

<p>I was also accepted to UConn but originally it wasn’t one of my top choices. The cost is quite cheap though, so for me it is worth a second look. Uconn is ranked fairly high in terms of public education; it is the highest ranked public university in new england I believe (correct me if I’m wrong). I am looking more for a quiet suburban or rural college though.</p>

<p>1 Sky Pilot, I believe it’s the highest ranked public in NE as well.</p>

<p>I’m out of state, and no honors program. My family can afford other colleges…my other choices include UMd (accepted for spring semester though), Northeastern U, BU, BC</p>

<p>BC has the best academic reputation- the other 4 are equivalent in my mind.</p>

<p>What would the cost of each be? Would BC be significantly higher?</p>

<p>UConn is an excellent school, but it is not for everyone. Both of my parents, siblings and various family members went there and all were extremely successful afterwards, particularly if you are going preprofessional. I chose not to go there and I don’t know if that was the best choice or not. It was just too large and too close to home for me. (That was 35 years ago.) The school is now so huge and I believe impersonal that it would not be for me. My child, now in her third year at the U of Chicago, turned down a large scholarship in the honors program. The school was too big, too party and sports oriented for her and didn’t really have a good program in her major. However, she acknowledges that for the price she would have gone there if she was engineering, prelaw or premed. It is a major sacrifice for us to pay Chicago’s tuition, but she is much happier there than I believe she would have been at UConn and is certainly getting much more attention. On the other hand, her friends who are premed, are very happy at UConn and are getting all sorts of opportunities for internships and work in CT. So you really have to look at it individually.</p>

<p>Have you visited UConn and whatever other school you’re also considering instead? Try spending some time there, sitting in on classes, talking to people on campus and see if it “feels” like someplace you’d like to spend four years.</p>