<p>What I have heard is that Berkeley initially picks candidates who they think are worth having a look and tells those who are picked in Feb for ultimate decision in March. Is this true?</p>
<p>the only people who are informed early of their admission are people who get regents interviews.
You will not hear back from them.</p>
This is correct. I’ve further been advised that an invite to interview for Regents at Berkeley is their equivalent of a “likely letter.”</p>
<p>^I’ve heard regents invite is a definite acceptance, not just a likely letter.</p>
<p>I think the scholarship office got into trouble with the admissions office by congratulating students on their acceptance, so you may not get an outright “you are admitted” exclamation. But you are pretty much admitted if you received an invite for the Regents’.</p>
<p>^Yeah, that makes sense since the scholarship people are in an entirely different department than admissions. But, they’ve been giving people outright acceptances for years now, not just last year. So, if this is the first year where the Regents people listen to the admissions people, that’ll be a downer, haha.</p>
<p>The interviews are in March, so perhaps that’s the concession between the departments; no mention of admission status before March?</p>
<p>Last year when I got my Regents email, it didn’t mention anything about acceptance…I think they just phrased it like “you are among the top candidates that applied to Cal” or something like that?</p>
<p>But then on the day of your interview, when you sign in they shake your hand and congratulate you on the acceptance haha.</p>