Personally I really dislike those academic eliteists, and the best way to OWN them, is to act like you are all stupid and stuff (and really low-key), until they realize you are better than them academicly
<p>I wish I had taken college credits back in high school. I don't know about dropping out or totally neglecting your HS grades but taking college classes would've been so much better than taking worthless electives.</p>
<p>Sure, I am stupid. How quickly is your ablity to judge a person stupid based on some comment he made 5 minutes before he sleeps? i THOUGHT african americans are not judgemental, and i believe majority of them are not.</p>
<p>modestman, your action is hardly modest here.</p>
<p>well, maybe you are smarter, if you THINK you are smarter, than puff, you are smarter.</p>
<p>I never knew a person can harbor so much bitterness as you do. </p>
<p>Sometimes violent attack is a showing of weakness. Maybe you are afraid? A truly confident man don't go around and making personal attacks.</p>
<p>I think one's desire to act modest in order to "outsmart" a pompous "elitist" just demonstrates an innate insecurity on his/her part - commonly referred to as an "inferiority complex." This is just my opinion, so I am sure no one cares.</p>
<p>My one huge pet peeve is condescending people. If those pompous elitists are condescending, then it would really make me want to do bad things.</p>
<p>Of course, they're more likely to be condescending if they think I'm stupid, so that would be a reason not to act that way, thus avoiding the whole problem. So maybe you're right. </p>
<p>To avoid being condescended upon, one can either appear too stupid to be considered a threat to the elitist (the sympathy approach) or appear brighter than the elitist.</p>
<p>We cannot possibly percieve ourself with absolute accuracy, for we either inflate or deflate our ability. </p>
<p>If one used to be an elitist, and since one intend to correct that unfavorable trait, one may appear low-key, or even stupid.</p>
<p>However, the most stupd act one may make is possibly the act of attacking someone, not based on logical argument, but on denouncement of that person's persoanlity.</p>
<p>You think its only Chinese and French expectations? I wish you met my dad. He thinks that I go to a school for "mentally challenged" people and that in my school anything lower than an A is a disgraceful shame.</p>
You think its only Chinese and French expectations?
<p>Where did I say that it was "only" the case in such individuals? Moreover, since when are Asians considered to be exclusively Chinese individuals? I am Indian.</p>
<p>I agree with Blackdream. Some cultures tend to exert more pressure on their kids than others. </p>
<p>Anyway, I made a typo. I meant Asians, not Chinese. That was silly of me. I looked at USnews.com diversity rankings and it stated the hightest percentage minority at different colleges, and Asians are very very overrepresented at top/elite universities. It is actually somewhat incredible. </p>
<p>My parents are Jewish/Russian, and I knew that their background influences the extreme pressure that they tend to overload on me constantly. Anyway, I think immigrants in general hold higher expectations for their children.</p>