Am I too "average" to even try?


<p>haha i'm in the same exact position for the ED/RD thing...damn those rich people!</p>

<p>anyway, i don't understand how you got national merit semifinalist but cant get over 2100 SAT? sorry, not trying to be rude, just wondering.</p>

<p>grrrrr, i wanted to apply ED also! I think what we have to do is convince Penn that we would accept their school in a heartbeat if they accepted us! (cuz I read that they are very focused on yield this year :()</p>

<p>shame that you're valed of your school with such low really reflects poorly on your school; unless your HS has a (really) good rapport with Penn, I don't think you'll make it. Sorry...</p>

<p>yeahh the sats are deff the downfall of my app..butt a penn admin person told me that they have accepted lots of ppl under the 2000 mark in the past if everything else is good. so who knows.. im just going to do my best and portray my passion in my app.</p>

<p>thats definitely all that you can do. try your best.</p>

<p>yeah i'm kinda in the same boat as you are with not being able to apply ED because of money, it really stinks cause now it seems like it will be a lot harder. Plus all the kids from my school that got like 2380's are applying to like every ivy, i think just to be jerks haha.</p>

<p>yeahh! i hate when ppl do that!! yess everyone wants to go to an ivy, but they are all so different so i think its so fake when ppl apply to EVERY ivy. Thats just saying that they only care about the name brand. I personally am only applying to Penn for an ivy, and would EASILY chose Penn over HYP anyday. I just hopee that everything works out ..</p>

<p>Those people who they've accepted who were under 2000 were almost exclusively heavily recruited athletes, extremely talented (think Juilliard level) instrumentalists/vocalists, and/or significant legacy students.</p>

<p>i don't really understand the importance placed on legacy. Doesn't that seem a little silly to anyone else?</p>

<p>maybe if i do welll (likee reeeeeeeeeely well) on the SAT II's itll offse the chem schore. </p>

<p>and nj, ppl from my school have gotten into penn like a little under the 2100 mark with no legacy/music/sports. but then again..they applied ED. dont know how much that helps..</p>

<p>families with more penn alumni are far more likely to give and to give a lot of money. simple as that.</p>

<p>yess makes sense. im sure if my daddy went to penn i would not want to change alumni preference for anything lol. but alas, he went to BC.</p>

<p>anyone elsee?? do i have hopee lol??!! bump</p>