Am I too lopsided?

<p>Would this look bad to a school like MIT or CalTech?</p>

<p>800 MIIC
800 Chemistry
800 Physics</p>

<p>800 Math (pretty sure I got it...)
730 Writing
650-700 Reading</p>

<p>Like would a score below 700 keep me out of a top engineering school? Thanks.</p>

<p>(also if it helps I'm not asian)</p>

<p>you’re fine. spend your time on other things besides testing to increase your chances of getting in</p>

<p>For an engineering school, you should be OK.</p>

<p>You’re fine. Don’t worry about it.</p>

<p>Oh no… I think you need to work a little harder on your MIIC, chem, and physics grades. They’re looking a little low.</p>

<p>If you think you’re lop-sided, here’s what happened to me:</p>

<p>January SAT:
710 Math
650 Writing
530 Reading
1890 Total</p>

<p>May SAT II:
800 Math II
800 Chemistry
800 Physics
2400 Total</p>

<p>I did take the June SAT, and I’m expecting around 800/700/600 (M/W/R), however, I am going to take it one more time after a long summer of studying :D</p>

<p>dude…get those subject test scores up and you should be fine</p>

<p>I can take latin, but I probably won’t get an 800. (more like 750-770)</p>

<p>i was kidding btw haha. You’re fine, it’d kill to have scores like that</p>

<p>Retake the SAT I or take the ACT w/ writing. Obviously, you don’t need any more SAT II’s.</p>