<p>I heard about this earlier in the week from a reliable source but don't no if it's wholly true. Can someone confirm this?</p>
<p>I’d like to know as well.
Btw what is the “reliable” source you’re talking about?</p>
<p>Requiring? no.</p>
<p>Recommending? yes</p>
<p>The 30% increase will take around 10 years (from now) to achieve. With new schools opening up, the increase at existing schools will be somewhat less than 30%.</p>
<p>And the increase is supposed to be from 2002 levels. The number of med school spots since 2002 has increased some already. You just haven’t felt it because the number of med school applicants has grown 50% since 2002.</p>
<p>OP, you should append a question mark to your thread title.</p>
<p>A google search would reveal:</p>
<p>The AAMC recommended in 2006 that enrollment in U.S. medical schools be increased 30 percent by 2015.
[AAMC</a> Calls for 30 Percent Increase in Medical School Enrollment](<a href=“http://www.aamc.org/newsroom/pressrel/2006/060619.htm]AAMC”>http://www.aamc.org/newsroom/pressrel/2006/060619.htm)</p>
<p>In 2005, the AAMC recommended only a 15% increase in enrollment.</p>
<p>The AMA and AAMC can “request”, “demand”, “push”, whatever… all they want - med schools are under no obligation to actually comply. Those organizations have no control over individual med schools.</p>
<p>However, from what I understand, most are planning on the increase anyway. Mine is planning on a modest increase over the next several years. Also, there are quite a few new med shcools (both MD and DO) opening in the next few years. Virginia Tech, UC Riverside, UC Merced, FIU (just opened this year), etc all have med schools in the works or opening this year. So capacity will increase. But this doesn’t mean admissions will become easier. In fact, I’d imagine average test scores will continue to increase.</p>
<p>hey thanks for the information guys and the link my 2 cents, it was very helpful. I must have heard it wrong (probably recommended instead of required) the first time.</p>
<p>This is right. Last year Duke, Pritzker (U of Chicago), Feinberg (Northwestern) held information sessions on our campus, and the adcoms who came mentioned that they have no plans to expand class sizes for the sake of providing the best quality education for the students.</p>
<p>My medical school has only increased a little. 2 years ago the class size was 165. Now its 175.</p>