Amazing tour guide

Sorry this is so specific, but yesterday I went to the admitted students open house event and I LOVED IT!
My tour guide (forgot her name), was absolutely amazing and I’m now convinced that Binghamton is the school for me.

I was on the tour with my older sister, mom and dad, and they thought she did her job well, too .
I was wondering if maybe someone would know her, and her email address (if you by chance know her), or an email that I can contact to make sure that Bing knows that she did a great job?

She had jet-black hair, and she was a 3rd year psychology major (I believe she mentioned her favorite professor is Ms. Ann Merriwether. I also want to study Psychology). She was also kind of eccentric and somewhat quirky (parent’s words), and she lives off campus (she used to be a member of Dickinson?). My campus tour (the hour and 20 minute one) was around 1:00 pm or so.

The chance that people on this forum is slim, but I figured I might as well give it a shot.

Thank you!

Contact admissions and tell them how terrific she was! They will let her know and her “bosses” will be aware of what a positive impact she had. They’ll know who she was based on the info you listed.