
<p>I'm making the first post here. haha. Anyone else considers this school?</p>

<p>Colorado College is a popular school at the local private high school. About 60% get in; about 20% attend. I've heard that CC admissions pretty aggressively corresponds with those who show interest in their school and offer a lot of "early" options. I wonder if this is part of an attempt to raise their yield, thus raising their place in the college rankings.</p>

<p>Anybody know?</p>

<p>I applied to CC early decision..I am broderline in terms of GPA but good ACT. I knew last year this is where I would want to go so I took a summersession course there. COnsidering I am from the midwest...thought this would show them how badly I want in. Can't wait to hear...I had an awesome time over the summer and am sure it gets even better with a full house. Love the Block Plan.</p>

<p>hey flyboy, I applied ED to CC as well. I'm sort of the opposite though, I have a great GPA (3.9) with marginal to fair ACTs (25, writing 11) but great extra currics. I'm from CT but am flying out next week to do an overnight (gotta love the chance to withdraw with the financial aid deal) any how, good luck!</p>