<p>I am currently a high school student in Australia, and I will be sitting the SAT in July. on the essay section, I was wondering whether I should bother to learn American English, or whether I could stick with Australian (British) English?</p>
<p>i.e. colour vs color
grey vs gray
aeroplane vs airplane
favourite vs favorite
monologue vs monolog
programme vs program
aluminium vs aluminum</p>
<p>Another big one is past participles of verbs. In our English, we use -ed and -t regularly, I understand in AmE, -ed is MUCH more common.
i.e. dreamt vs dreamed (to dream)
lit vs lighted (to light)
fit vs fitted (to fit)
learnt vs learned (to learn)
I tend to lean towards the -t more.</p>
<p>Will I have marks taken off for using these spellings? Should I learn the intricacies of AmE?</p>
<p>Thank you very much,