American Pageant: 12th Edition vs AMSCO

<p>In terms of summarizing and length, which is better?
I heard the American Pageant(our school textbook) is kinda boring/bad and was wondering if this is similar to AMSCO? Does AMSCO basically summarize it up? How many pages per chapter? Can I read a chapter within a hour? I really won't have a lot of time in hands during school year so is AMSCO the best to read?</p>



<p>Whoa, hold on there. The American Pageant is a pinnacle of modern literature (Okay maybe that’s an exaggeration, but I really enjoyed reading the A.P. for my class last year, and it really solidified my interest in history. I can’t say the same for my WHAP textbook).</p>

<p>It depends. Your teacher may rely heavily on the A.P. for class tests, so it would be wiser to read that. A combination of reading the A.P. with the class and AMSCO for heavy AP prep works best.</p>


<p>I use both. AMSCO for reviewing and Pageant because all my homework comes from there. It’s not bad either.</p>