American U vs U Miami?

<p>So basically I have to decide between these two ASAP.</p>

<p>Academically, they are fairly similar although UM is probably a bit more regarded. Im more concerned with what will be a better fit for me.</p>

<p>Part of me thinks UM would be so much fun with the beach and all the culture and laid back atmosphere. Yet, I also realize that UM can be quite clichey and elitist. </p>

<p>As for AU I know students can be slightly less friendly, yet there is less of an arrogance and superficial vibe that UM seems to have. </p>

<p>I'm basically looking for a college that is inclusive and where finding friends isn't too hard. I'm not opposed to a school that has parties and what not, but I would like there to be a social life beyond partying, too.</p>

<p>Anyone have any input on this decision? </p>

<p>All thoughts are really appreciated! I'm so confused.</p>

<p>I mean both colleges have great reputations inside the classroom. I think that you would like Miami, contrary to popular belief there is a lot to do besides partying in miami, and making friends really shouldnt be a problem no matter how you put it. I’m going to Miami in the fall, and though I haven’t been a student there, I did go to a scholarship weekend at Miami where I met a lot of people that are going. Most of the people seemed pretty nice, at least to me. Good luck deciding! GO CANES!</p>

<p>They seem pretty different to me. </p>

<p>– Going to school in DC vs. going to school in South Florida (beaches, as you mention). Both offer a lot, but very different experience.</p>

<p>– School of 10,000 (UM) vs. school half that size.</p>

<p>– What’s your academic interest? If it’s anything related to politics, international relations, I would give the benefit to American.</p>

<p>– School spirit - UM hands down.</p>

<p>I’ve visited both - such a different vibe. I also know of students happy at both schools. Where do you feel more comfortable?</p>

<p>To be honest, I’m not sure where I feel more comfortable, I’ve never visited either. The Thought of UM sounds like a potential blast ( so much to do, see ,ect), yet I feel like AU would be less of a risk socially. I’m not totally sure what I want to study, possibly business/relations.</p>

<p>I’m headed to the U in the fall, so I don’t know first hand (yet) but I have numerous friends there and I haven’t heard much about people being elitist, although it’s brought up on the boards quite a bit. Our incoming class also seems exceptionally friendly and chill from what I’ve seen with the people I’ve met on facebook and those that I have met in person.</p>

<p>Jakey, I also was between American and Miami. Had my heart set on American and thought I was wasting my time visiting Miami. Then I visited and fell in love with the school.</p>

<p>Both are great schools. I know two people currently at AU who love it and of course I know a ton of people who loved UM. What are you planning on studying? That’s a big factor. For me, I’m glad I chose UM because I really wanted the sports and school spirit thing. At the same time, it would have been awesome to go to school in DC. I still love the city.</p>

<p>Not sure if this was helpful, but thought I’d share my experience since I was stuck between the same two schools as you.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input, everyone. So for those of you who went to/go to UM (or if you have visited) would you elaborate on the social scene? Is the whole “everyone is snobby, rich, materialistic” thing you see all over boards exaggerated? Is it a friendly environment?</p>