American University Meal Plan

Good Evening Everyone,

I just wanted to create a quick thread regarding American University’s meal plan policy. American University forces freshman students to take on a meal plan of at least 175 block. This is often at a rate higher than students can/will consume. Thus, at the end of the year, they are left with unused meals swipes that don’t roll over. On average, students are left with about 100 leftover, unused swipes. Each meal swipe is valued somewhere between $15-$20 so if 100 meal swipes don’t roll over, you’re down $2,000.00 that can’t get back.

Thankfully, we’re creating this program to reduce waste on American University’s campus by redistributing the meal swipes to those who buy them (upperclassmen with lower meal plans, faculty, etc.). Allowing students to make some money (minimum of $200) off the meal swipes that would otherwise go to waste. It’s not a lot of money, but it can certainly go a long way to pay small expense and otherwise save money. Also, the selling of meal swipes/swiping guests in is entirely allowed by American University.

If you’d like to apply as a Swiper, private message me or apply at the link below. Thanks!
