<p>Okay for my English author I need to pick an American writer to do a literary project on. I'm stuck, they all seem boring, I'd much rather do an English writer...any good ones you know of?</p>
<p>Edgar Allan Poe (<3)</p>
<p>Ernest Hemingway (is American, right?)</p>
<p>T.S. Eliot (If you could convince the Brits that he is indeed American XD)</p>
<p>Hemingway, Salinger, Kerouac, Vonnegut...</p>
<p>John Steinbeck is, in my opinion, the best. </p>
<p>Salinger, Vonnegut, and Cormac McCarthy are also amazing...and if you're looking for incredible women writers, try Maya Angelou, Carson McCullers, Sylvia Plath, or Emily Dickenson.</p>
<p>Faulker, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, or, if you like more contemporary/experimental stuff, Breece D'J Pancake (yep, that's his real name).</p>
<p>Sinclair Lewis. Break out of the mold.</p>
<p>Or Edith Wharton. I don't know why she was left out of the list of female writers.</p>
<p>Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain, plus the aforementioned.</p>
<p>^ MelancholyDane, I never said my list was all the good female writers, just ones I like. Personally I'm not a big Edith Wharton fan :/</p>
<p>Salinger and Hawthorne, for sure.</p>
<p>Oh, and Plath.</p>
<p>We could help you more if you told us a few non-American novelists/books you like.</p>
<p>Thomas Pynchon cuz he is badass.</p>