<p>I got a 53/54 raw score on the Math section of the november SAT.
My scaled score was 760.</p>
<p>how does this make any sense? I missed only one question. How can my scaled score be "only" 760?</p>
<p>I got a 53/54 raw score on the Math section of the november SAT.
My scaled score was 760.</p>
<p>how does this make any sense? I missed only one question. How can my scaled score be "only" 760?</p>
<p>Yeah for that test the curve was really bad</p>
<p>how do they even come up with these stupid curves?
they don’t make any sense. its unbelievable: -1=760!
How can CB justify that!??!?</p>
<p>i think -1 has been 750 once in the past. but it’s true that the curve was particularly tough in your sitting.</p>
<p>the justification: the questions were too easy and tons of people were expected to get them right.</p>