An email req. additional info from Mudd!!! OMG

<p>"Please send a graded written paper from one of your humanities, social science or arts classes. Please send in the paper by fax or by an attached .JPG or .JPEG file in an email. Thank you for your help in allowing us to give you as fair an evaluation as possible."</p>

<p>I just received an email from HMC! they want that ^ from me. omg, wat does this mean? im on the brink of accept/reject? Oh heck, my writing is super ugly... -.-!!!
omg im so shocked and nervous. i dont know what to submit! i have ugly writing, ugly drawing. so arts is a no-no.</p>

<p>edit: i think i just fig out what constituted the email. i got a C+ in arts, and a low A in theater. and i got Bs and low As in my history classes.....
so what should i send? omg...GRADED WRITTEN PAPER....?? Is this essay? I don't have any essays graded...i have some writing9aka journals and other assignments) though....</p>

<p>Um, they don’t mean the paper has to be handwritten… it just has to be a paper you’ve written (typed is ok) and handed in for a grade. Surely you’ve had some writing assignments in your classes? Writing (not handwriting, but verbal skills) is important to Mudd.</p>

<p>They made this kind of request to another applicant who frequents this forum; they reportedly thought one of his essays seemed awkward, so they wanted to see more of his writing before they made an admission decision.</p>

<p>Don’t panic; just send your best graded paper (preferably one that got an A :D). If you’re in doubt as to which one, ask one of your teachers if any of your recent papers was particularly memorable.</p>