An honest review of Lucky 101

<p>Great POST!!</p>

<p>badger12: I think it is ridiculous to pay $200 dollars to meet people. In all honesty, I did move in early but still found that ALL of the good friends I was and am making live in the dorms. Lucky is not for everyone, it is for a select crowd. If you want to meet the typical "college, life-long friends," live in a dorm.
If you are considering Lucky because of the extra space: consider Smith, Ogg, Liz Waters, or Barnard. They all have HUGE rooms, and Barnard you could even get a single room.
If you are considering it because you think you will get away from the substances, you are once again wrong: consider Lakeshore.
Overall, I just don't think Lucky is a great choice for college freshmen.</p>

<p>Badger Herald column on Lucky perpetuates some stereotypes</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Another plus for living Lucky--many UW services are in the same building including the health service, admin offices, and many club offices.</p>

<p>:</a> New University of Wisconsin tower a one-stop shop for students</p>

<p>Being located in the same building is no big deal- the one-stop shop refers to students not having to go many different buildings for handling administrative details, those are not daily or even weekly activities. The UW and commercial facilities are available to everyone, not just Lucky residents. The Southeast dorms are just as convenient- depending on elevators/floor you live on. Interesting how quickly "stereotypes" developed. Journalists will always find something to report on... As always, there are pros and cons to everything. I didn't consider living in Slichter better because I would have the convenience of Res Halls offices sharing my basement...</p>

<p>What freshman uses res hall offices? Few, if any.</p>

<p>You sound more like a UW Housing plant every day.</p>

<p>And that's from a Ho Fo. </p>

<p>Being located in the same building is no big deal? I'm pretty sure Lucky will capitalize on it. It's within the same complex as every major university service for students. That's impressive. Tutoring, UHS, student orgs, registrar, financial aid. I mean hell, only reason you'd have to leave are classes! Hope i get accepted to work there next year.</p>

<p>Yeah that's great and all but how often do people use any of those buildings? I have never once even thought about finding or attending those offices other than tutoring and there are already tutors in Sellery, Witte, and Gordon Commons. Oh and if you live in Witte and Sellery we are literally talking about a walk across the street if you want to go to any of those offices. All students walk five times further than that to class so I don't think it is that big of a deal.</p>

<p>Amen. Let's throw in the fact that you don't even have to leave Res Halls for some class sections...</p>

<p>Yup, I'm egalitarian for housing and social issues, elitist for academics. Ho Fo is a term I never heard before- I tried to ignore them back in my day (too independent to need them in general). Just one of those ardent alumni. Of course it would be nice to be a HF in the fanciest place- if you have to do the work you may as well go for a nice apt.</p>

<p>"if you have to do the work you may as well go for a nice apt."</p>

<p>True that. I expect it will be pretty competitive. Oh well, so was house fellow selection.</p>

<p>My daughter is living in Lucky 101 this year and I would advise you NOT to consider this instead of the dorms. I wanted my daughter to have a nice place to live and I was impressed by their website and conversations with management. I really regret putting her there - she is not getting a normal freshman experience. Yes, she has a beautiful apartment, but she has not met very many people and she definitely does not want to live there next year. The rent is outrageous - we are paying 1100.00 a month per person for a 4 bedroom, 2 bath apartment and it is going up to 1300.000+ next year. Maintenance is terrible - they take forever to respond. The freshman floors do have RA's, but if you think that stops the partying - think again. It is constant. Also, there is a definite bias against Lucky on campus. At one of the first football games, they were holding up signs about new construction on campus and when a sign about Lucky was held up , EVERYONE was booing. When my daughter meets new people, she doesn't want to tell them where she lives because there is an automatic negative judgement about her. Lucky 101 is a beautiful building and it has a good location - however, I really don't think it is worth the money for many reasons.</p>