Analysis vs. Example

<p>From moseying around the site and reading practice SAT/ACT essays posted, I have come to the conclusion that I have a rather different approach to essays.</p>

<p>In most that I have read, there is usually some sort of historical reference. As in, the promt poses a question and the essay writer proves his/her point by using a historical circumstance/situation that somehow represents the question, and therefore the outcome of that situation is the answer to the question. One or more examples may be used.</p>

<p>However, when I write essays, I usually analyze the question and it's circumstances, hypothesize, or draw from my own experiences. I cannot think of once that I have used a historical reference (unless I was analyzing a piece of literature that had an allusion to something specifically). I suppose it is more abstract. (and my essays are not bad-my AP teacher that holds a doctorate quite likes my essays so I imagine that they are at least decent)</p>

<p>I am taking the ACT writing test for the first time this month, and I would like to know...which do they prefer? Is it simply a matter of taste or teaching? Or is mentioning something/someone historical recommended? The issue I have with "historical reference" essays is that some essays come off as simply stating dates and what occurred. </p>

<p>Input? :) thank you!</p>

<p>Oh, and by no means do I mean offense to anyone or any particular style…just curious for the sake of my ACT score lol.</p>

<p>I find it harder to incorporate historical examples to the ACT prompts, so I tend to stray away from them. I usually limit my essay to talking about the unstated assumption, 2-3 theoretical reasons appealing to logic and emotion. And before the conclusion, I use the unstated assumption to say why the other side is flawed and if need be, propose a better, more efficient solution to the problem. I end with a conclusion that looks to the future and what implications my suggested solution might have in the future.</p>

<p>This is just the way I do it, so I don’t know if it works or not but so far, in June I have received a 11 and in September, I got a 12. So I’m assuming something I am doing must be working.</p>

<p>Hope it helped.</p>

<p>Thank you! Any other suggestions?</p>

<p>Perhaps I posted in a wrong forum…</p>