After ROATE, I only had ??a?E, meaning the ‘a’ is in a different position from 3rd letter. This left many dozens of available words, so I chose some what I thought at the time were common distinguishing letters among those many words. However, looking in more detail, I think the most commonly used unknown letters were instead as follows. Had I known this, I probably would have guessed SALMI instead of AMUSE for my second word, making sure to include an L since L was such an important letter. Guessing SALMI for my 2nd word would have resulted as only a single possible word remaining for the 3rd guess, rather than 2 words remaining with my actual 2nd guess of AMUSE.
1 . a (position still unknown)
2. l
3. s
4. g
5. i (tie)
5. m (tie)
5. u (tie)
On another thread someone introduced me to quordle ( You are essentially simultaneously solving 4 wordles. You could definitely get strategic in playing that one - worth a try.
OK, here’s a spoiler – any person with a minimal understanding of HTML coding can download an entire list of all the words, including all answers, in order - from the web page where the puzzle appears. It takes about 2 minutes to do it.
I still play the game because it is fun… I only actually cheated the one day I wanted to test my theory about word order. I always start with a different word because part of the fun is thinking up something new as a starting point. But beyond that there’s no need for me to hack anything because the answers to every puzzle ever are already sitting in a text file on my computer.
(I think of it like this – back in the day it was common for print magazines to have a puzzle page, and then somewhere in the back there was a page with the solutions to all the puzzles. I generally used to do the puzzles and resist the temptation to peek at the answers… so that’s what I’ve currently got going with Wordle).
Based on information @Data10 provided, I’ve now changed my first word from TEARS to STARE (same letters) and my second word from WOULD to COULD, since C is more likely than W. Since I’ve done that, I’ve solved in three each time. I’m sure that streak won’t continue, but so far it’s working!! Now I’m finding Wordle too easy . . . .
I played LOATH as first word, as listed in the post above. For the 2nd word, I chose a word with 5 unique letters all listed in the first post that do not duplicate any from LOATH, which happened to be a lucky choice, so I got the solution in 3. If I had not been lucky on the 2nd word, it probably would have been 4.
I got it in 3 as well! Used LOATH in row 1 and unique high frequency letters in row 2. Got lucky in row 2 with 2 greens and 1 yellow. I used the only word I could come up with, with those letters, and it turned out to be the word of the day!
If I hadn’t got those greens, I might have ended up with 4 too.
Thanks for playing! It’s another level of keeping up the societal contract when everyone gets the same word and everyone is using the same seed word!
I shared this with friends. After everyone’s done, we’re going to reveal our grid. It’ll be fun to analyze the different paths people took!
Not true. Much does depend on your first two words, but even if your second word is just one letter off, it could take multiple guesses to make the match if there are numerous possibilities, like hasty, tasty, pasty, nasty. Often, there is no reason why one guess is better than another. No skill involved. This is just a fun game, not an intelligence test. Don’t make it stressful.
Thanks for being good sports and trying the same starting word!
I shared this with friend who then shared it with their family and friends. The scores were pretty evenly divided between 3 and 4.
LOATH was intentionally picked to be a less-than-optimal uncommon word to get out of normal solving habits. But surprisingly, it doesn’t look like anyone struggled with this as starting word!
It’s interesting to see how much luck and how much strategy plays a role when everyone uses the same starting word!
Interesting that you ask that. I used STARE and got it in two last week for the first time (only been playing two weeks). Later that week, I saw on FB that many were getting it in two. I thought no way that would work again only two days later, so used a different word and got it in three. STARE would have likely solved it in two.