Hi, I’m going to Andover as a Freshman/Junior and was wondering about any advice on which classes to take and any advice on them. I couldn’t find much regarding it so I would appreciate really anything. Thanks!
. Most of your classes are not your choice however because you will be taking English 100 history 100 whatever math you would like to take and you can decide your science once you get to school though I reccomend you take biology instead of chem because that’s a rough course as a freshman unless you’re really devoted to it. You’re placed into language and that is five courses there. I would reccomend taking six classes as your first term is pass fail for English and history so it is not to much to handle. It is nice to either get music or art 225 out of the way. Also don’t take PE fall term because if you take it as a lower you have the option to skip a season of a sport. On he topics of sports, do a team sport! If you have any questions message me sorry for any spelling or grammer. I’m tried and I’m typing on a phone.