<p>Hope the rather unneccessary title attracted you to helping me. Its kinda true actually: I'm totally lost with all these subject choices, they are overdue and thus I kinda would love some help. </p>
<p>So to anyone at Andover:</p>
<p>I really like History so I'd like to take History 340 and I'm terrible at Art and Gym. I'm an entering Lower and they have given me this course selection form and basically so far I have:</p>
<p>English - English 200/0
Math - Math 600/0
Lang - Germ 100/0
Phys - PHYS 550/0
Hist or PHED Elective - ???</p>
<p>I need apparently to have 3 credits in Music and Art yet I also need to spend all three trimesters on History to get into Hist 340</p>
<p>Is there any way of postponing Art and Music until another year (and if so, what year is best?) or should I just get it over and done with?</p>
<p>I'd prefer Rel/Philosophy over Art and Music as well!</p>
<p>So basically I'm trying to postpone Art and Music for ever (which I know is not going to happen) and I'm asking for alternatives and also what is the most relaxed year to do your weakest subjects? Senior year spring or does that count on my college transcript as well? Thanks!</p>
<p>See the thing is, I'm really weak in Art/Music and I'll most likely get Cs for them at best, so I want to be able to postpone these subjects till after college acceptance letters come in. </p>
<p>Do college acceptance letters come in before spring term of senior year? Because then I can fufill my diploma requirements in Art/Music. </p>
<p>Very confusing post but thanks for any advice!</p>
<p>Yeah you can postpone it. Most people do anyways. Just sign up for History 200 for now, and then take the placement test when you get to campus if you're serious about moving up to 340. Everything else looks fine.</p>
<p>College acceptance letters come in around the last week of April for regular decision. Spring term will have already started. You won't be able to postpone all of your art and music requirements until then, but they will be easier to fit into your schedule. Don't worry about them, the art and music intro classes are easy. Start working on the relphil, art, and music requirements during upper years so you don't have to do them all senior year. I recommend going through the catalog and seeing which courses you'll want to take your upper and senior year and where you can fit requirements in.</p>
<p>sugerkim speaks the truth. You're taking a pretty hard schedule, but if you can wrangle it try and fit in an extra course here of there, even if you take History 340. Something like Theater 200 should be easy to manage as a 6th course.</p>
<p>Can a Lower do a 6th course? Because I'd like to do my Gym, Music and Art electives as 6th courses as well. </p>
<p>Because I've been going through the Course Study booklet and there are so many interesting courses to take! Also does anyone know what level I need to get up to in German to pass my diploma requirements? Because I had this interpretation I'd have to get up to Germ 400 which may not be possible as I'd be going:</p>
<p>Anyone that can answer that, it'd be really appreciated as then I can get tutoring now to take me to the Germ 200 level if needed for diploma requirements!</p>
<p>wow, shore all i can say is wow...lol no its okay im acually going to meet a woman at choate to set up all of my classes too...lol good luck with this :)</p>
<p>You have to finish a 300 level language, so you'll be fine. You probably won't be able to take a 6th course your first term since you have to apply to take it. After that you probably will. If you receive an honors grade your fall term, it's very easy to take a 6th. If you don't, you can usually convince them that gym or music isn't time intensive and won't hurt your grades.</p>
<p>Don't worry, you'll meet your adviser when you get to Andover. He/she will help you choose courses, but most let you be fairly independent and follow your lead.<br>
Difficulty definitely depends on how well you adjust and what teachers you have. Your schedule is harder than the average lower's, but it's not impossible to achieve an honors grade (5 or higher) if you work hard and have a little luck.</p>