<p>i cant decide between andover and choate :S they both seem like really good schools and have been my joint top 2 ever since ive wanted to go to america. my parents want me to go to andover because they feel like it is the academically better school, but i want to make sure my decision is the right one. help please?</p>
<p>Based upon every measurable stat (endowment per student, courses offered, acceptance rates, SAT’s, SSAT’s, college matriculation, etc.), PA is the better school. That said, stats mean little next to fit.</p>
<p>choate is a bit more laid back than andover.</p>
<p>Personally, I like Choate more. What are you interested in? Also, don’t let your parents run the show. Choate is still good academically/on level w/ PA IMO</p>
<p>I think Choate has alot better athletics than PA but thats just me.</p>
<p>ummm well im a mainly academic person but im pretty interested in the arts (i do a lot of drama and music). which one is better in terms of that? thanks guys :)</p>
<p>Choate has an awsome artsy curriculum but I know Andovers is pretty good.</p>
<p>^^^I agree</p>
<p>I’m disappointed I didn’t apply to Choate… They’re both great schools though.</p>
<p>Same bit if I apply to BS again next year, Choate is on my list !</p>
<p>Both are great schools. Andover is generally considered a stronger school in many “tangibles”. Andover is also more intense and is not as “personable” as Choate. Andover may provide you more challenges and opportunities, which Choate has plenty to offer as well, while Choate would win as community that makes you feel more comfortable to be part of although Andover is a dynamic and friendly community as well. Hope this helps! :)</p>
<p>pick whatever u want. its better to be happy than to be not happy</p>
<p>Are you able to go to revisits? That would be best to help you in your decision. In terms of size and diversity, I think Andover and Choate are similar, since both having relatively large student bodies (Choate around 850, and Andover around 1,000). Both also draw many students from around the world which really adds to the community. My S is a student at Choate, and we didn’t apply to Andover (too far), but it would have been just the type of school he wanted (along with other larger BSs), and from everything I’ve heard, Andover is clearly an excellent place. </p>
<p>But I’ll address some academic aspects at Choate – since that was our focus when we looked at BSs. At either Choate or Andover, you will be challenged to your capacity (and then some), as both have numerous levels of courses, from basic level, to honors, to AP level. Because we were tuned into math, science, and economics, we found that Choate had amazing programs in these areas – here are some unique aspects: the Science Research Program (which one applies to) enables a student to carry out specialized lab study for 4 semesters. Last year, four students were named Semifinalists in 2008-2009 Siemens Competition in Math, Science & Technology and one of these students was also a finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search Competition – all had participated in the SRP program; 8 students last year were national merit finalists. There are also numerous opportunities for independent study in math and computer science if one has fulfilled the curriculum. Also, Choate has an extremely broad offering of economic courses, and last year, the Choate Economics and Fed Challenge Team won the national championship. So regardless of whether these areas of study interest you, no question, you will be challenged by your peers at Choate!</p>
<p>If one is more interested in cultural activities, the performing arts program is top notch, and the Mellon Arts Center has frequent productions that draw in top talent as well. </p>
<p>My feeling is that you can’t go wrong with either place, but I can say that Choate has exceeded all of our expectations. One thing you might consider is distance from your home – for us, being relatively close enough to visit our son was also a factor when making a decision. It’s been important for our family to be able to attend sports events, or have the occasional meal on the weekend. Are you relatively much closer in distance to one of the schools? This, however, may not be a factor for you. </p>
<p>Feel free to pm me if you any specific questions, and best wishes – it’s all good!</p>
<p>oh wow thanks everyone soo much i never actually thought id get so much help
still haven’t decided though…
@skibum: choate sounds AMAZING. but so does andover… location is not really a problem because i currently study in england and live in hong kong so both are pretty far away…
for anyone who knows: i’ve heard from a lot of people that although andover is very academic, students are not as competitive as the students in exeter? is this true…or what?
THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP SO FAR theres been a lot about choate but what about andover? any current students at either…? or anyone who has been in the same position as i am (choosing between andover and choate) if so please help!
oh and also, what are the AP courses offered at each?</p>
<p>You have all you can know from here. Check course offerings from their websites and search the forum for more about either school - doubt it would be much more helpful though. Good luck!</p>
<p>As far as theater goes, I think that Choate and Andover have by far the best. Andover has loads of mainstage productions, great theater courses, and Drama Labs, or one act plays, EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT. Choate has the incredible Mellon Arts Center, though Andover has great facilities too. What is unique about Choate is that they have the arts concentration program, so there will be a core of kids who are really into theater, a group that is institutionally encouraged, whereas at Andover of course there is a group of theater kids, but it is more loose, I think.</p>
<p>AHH YOU STUDY IN ENGLAND??? I LIVE IN ENGLAND! (When I’m not at school here at Phillips Academy).</p>
<p>First off, congratulations! Both Andover and Choate are phenomenal schools. To be completely frank, whichever you choose, you probably won’t be disappointed. You can’t go wrong at either. As other posters have said, choose the school where you feel you will be the most comfortable and the happiest - while both Andover and Choate are incredible schools, I’ve noticed the two seem to attract different types of students (most very talented, of course). I can only truly speak for Andover, so it’s up to you to discern which school is more “you.”</p>
<p>You said you were more academic than athletic, so let me tell you a little about the courses here. Basically, Andover is a pretty big school. This is a major strength in terms of academics. Because of its size, Andover is able to populate a full 300 courses - I strongly encourage you to browse through them. They can be found at [Phillips</a> Academy - Course Listings](<a href=“http://www.andover.edu/Academics/CourseCatalog/Pages/default.aspx]Phillips”>http://www.andover.edu/Academics/CourseCatalog/Pages/default.aspx) where you can easily browse by subject. As you know, Andover is filled to the brim with exceptionally talented kids, which is why Andover offers not only AP courses but post-AP and college level courses, such as Math 661 (Vector/Multivariable Calculus), Biology 600 (Molecular Biology: Laboratory Research), Latin 520 (Horace, Catullus), and many, many more. Heck, the English department even offers courses such as 510 (Gothic Literature: Living in the Tomb), 521 (When I Paint My Masterpiece: Milton and Michelangelo), 523 (Modern American Literature - Rosebud: The Restless Search for an American Identity), 526 (Literature of Resistance, Resilience, and Triumph: Narratives of the Natives), 540 (Atomic America: Service Learning), and 547 (Rhetorical Selves in English Renaissance Poetry). The History department’s offering are equally as varied and numerous. Put simply, you will be able to take anything and everything you want here, and no one will tell you to slow down. That’s what really got me when I was looking at Andover - you’re free to explode here.</p>
<p>I see you also asked about AP courses - I’d advise you against basing your decisions on the number of AP courses at schools like Andover (maybe Choate too, I don’t know). This is because Andover’s number of AP courses is deceptively low - something like 14. This is because many classes here indeed prepare for AP exams but do not adhere to the AP curricula which, for schools like Andover, are just too restrictive - and, quite frankly, not challenging enough. In addition to this fact, there is a HUGE number of college-level courses here that go FAR beyond the material covered by the AP. While you might be accustomed at your old school to viewing the AP as the Holy Grail of academic challenges, it simply isn’t at places like Andover.</p>
<p>Also, in terms of laid-back-ness, Andover is indeed incredibly laid back, especially for how high-achieving a school it is. A third of graduates here go to Ivy Leagues, but the kids don’t spend all their waking hours studying or stressing. Walk around campus and you’ll see plenty of kids throwing the football or frisbee, especially at this time of year. Go into a dorm and there’ll be kids hosting LAN parties with their XBoxes, and venture into my common room and there will be yet more kids playing ping pong and reading. That said, kids here know how and when to study, and Andover certainly didn’t earn its reputation as one of the most prestigious schools in the world by allowing its kids to slack - and the kids here don’t.</p>
<p>Let me know if you have any more questions about Andover! In case you can’t tell, I LOVE talking about my beloved school.</p>
<p>Both are good schools. </p>
<p>Andover has higher SSAT averages compared to Choate. Academically, are you the type willing to keep up at Andover. If you like challenges, Andove may be the right Choice for you and may provide you better opportunities in the future, since you are an international student. Something to consider.</p>
<p>hey guys thanks for all the help. I’ve decided to go to Andover after all, not only because my parents are
so enthusiastic about it but also because, even though both are excellent schools, it is true that Andover, being the bigger, better endowed and also slightly academically stronger school, will give me more of the opportunities that I need. I still think choate is an awesome school though but since I’m quite lazy (xD) I need the school which will push me and challenge me more, and I believe that school is Andover. thanks again all of you for all your help! ;)</p>
<p>Have FUn,Fun,Fun !:)</p>
<p>Tom- did you write the view book? Because if you didn’t you should. I swear like seriously lol You practically wrote a whole book there.</p>