andy bernard

<p>accurate or fake??</p>

<p>Pretty accurate.</p>

<p>The writers were considering bringing in a character that had a Princeton education, but then it hit them that Princeton grads don’t sell paper. Doey.</p>

<p>“Cornell called, they said you suck”</p>

<p>I’m still looking for that bobble-head doll!</p>

<p>I just watched the superbowl episode- so good!!</p>

<p> has a discount on all “the office” merchandise right now. I think the code is SHOP10. I want to buy something for my bf for valentine’s day from there… lol is that lame?</p>

<p>Only lame if u don’t want him to instantly fall in love with u. It’s a great present idea</p>

<p>Gotta love the nard dog… only thing is Michael didn’t even go to college so how is Andy like third of fourth in line for regional manager, and why didn’t he go for the job at corporate that Karen got?</p>