Animation colleges near NYC?

<p>Hello! I am currently a junior in high-school, 15 year old, and during the beginning of high-school, I decided I wanted to become an animator. It has been my passion ever since 7th grade, but it never really came to me until Freshmen year.</p>

<p>I did a copious amount of searches for animation colleges, and I found a few, but I am just not sure on them.</p>

<p>But that is not my main problem, my main problem is the fact that my parents do not want to send me too far away from home at all.
I live in New York, and the one college I got my eye on is SVA. I am currently taking pre-college courses for animation in SVA, and I love it. I was going to go to the Open House, but many of you probably heard of Hurricane Sandy, and the Open House is being re-scheduled of course due to power outages (nonetheless, I was one of those who had no power. Just got it back today! Ack.)</p>

<p>I had many other people recommend many other schools, but I am just DYING for SVA (because it is close by, and it seems to have a bustling environment, WHICH I LOVE. I am a NY/Bronx girl.)</p>

<p>But my guidance counselors have stated that I will put myself in jeopardy if I just apply to one school ; If I do not get accepted into this school, my mom will send me to community college, which I want to stay completely away from. I'm honestly judging community colleges, even though I shouldn't since I never even been to one, but I just don't know. I'm quite uneasy about it.</p>

<p>I am going to continue taking pre-college courses at SVA till I graduate. I am also getting a recommendation from my animation teacher , Irra, once I show her my sketchbook lol.
So I have a great chance in getting into SVA, I just need to get that scholarship now!</p>

<p>But, I really need an alternative to apply to close by. CalArts is a big no no, because well. 1) I am not good enough, even though I shouldn't doubt myself.
2) Too far away for my Mother to handle. She gets so nervous! But who can blame her?</p>

<p>I need something that is a drive away. Like 3 hours or less away. If not, It's okay.
Thank you so much. ~ (:</p>

<p>Oh, and P.S.
I want to become a Freelance illustrator as my side job (because I bustle around on an online art community) . Do you know how you can put yourself out there, and how much do they make? Mind you, this is just like a type of side job.</p>

<p>SVA is your best choice in NY. In fact, it is widely considered to be one of the best choices in the US for animation. However, SVA has two animation concentrations.There is the normal animation major and one in computer art that is more 3d animation similar to what Ringling has to offer. You can also take courses from both areas. </p>

<p>As for other schools. Let me give you some recommendations.</p>

<li><p>Pratt Institute; They are a fine art school and supposedly has a decent animation offering.</p></li>
<li><p>RIT has a very strong animation program. However, it is relatively new. Thus, I don’t know about their industry connections.</p></li>
<li><p>FIT, which has a new program that supposedly is very good.However, it is a relatively new program. Thus, I don’t know about their industry connections.</p></li>

<p>Hope this all helps</p>


<p>Ah! Thank you. (:
And I am currently taking 2d Traditional animation, and I’ll probably minor in 3d also.
Best of both worlds, lol.</p>

<p>I will also look into though schools, so thank you!!</p>

<p>MICA in Baltimore has a good animation program and Tyler Art at Temple Univ (in Philadelphia–just a quick 2 hours from Manhattan) has an interactive design major (I did not look to see how much this encompasses animation). They also might be worth a look. Good luck.</p>