<p>Hello! I am currently a junior in high-school, 15 year old, and during the beginning of high-school, I decided I wanted to become an animator. It has been my passion ever since 7th grade, but it never really came to me until Freshmen year.</p>
<p>I did a copious amount of searches for animation colleges, and I found a few, but I am just not sure on them.</p>
<p>But that is not my main problem, my main problem is the fact that my parents do not want to send me too far away from home at all.
I live in New York, and the one college I got my eye on is SVA. I am currently taking pre-college courses for animation in SVA, and I love it. I was going to go to the Open House, but many of you probably heard of Hurricane Sandy, and the Open House is being re-scheduled of course due to power outages (nonetheless, I was one of those who had no power. Just got it back today! Ack.)</p>
<p>I had many other people recommend many other schools, but I am just DYING for SVA (because it is close by, and it seems to have a bustling environment, WHICH I LOVE. I am a NY/Bronx girl.)</p>
<p>But my guidance counselors have stated that I will put myself in jeopardy if I just apply to one school ; If I do not get accepted into this school, my mom will send me to community college, which I want to stay completely away from. I'm honestly judging community colleges, even though I shouldn't since I never even been to one, but I just don't know. I'm quite uneasy about it.</p>
<p>I am going to continue taking pre-college courses at SVA till I graduate. I am also getting a recommendation from my animation teacher , Irra, once I show her my sketchbook lol.
So I have a great chance in getting into SVA, I just need to get that scholarship now!</p>
<p>But, I really need an alternative to apply to close by. CalArts is a big no no, because well. 1) I am not good enough, even though I shouldn't doubt myself.
2) Too far away for my Mother to handle. She gets so nervous! But who can blame her?</p>
<p>I need something that is a drive away. Like 3 hours or less away. If not, It's okay.
Thank you so much. ~ (:</p>
<p>Oh, and P.S.
I want to become a Freelance illustrator as my side job (because I bustle around on an online art community) . Do you know how you can put yourself out there, and how much do they make? Mind you, this is just like a type of side job.</p>