Announcement for Top Banner

Welcome to the new CC Forums!

We are excited to share with you a redesigned forum experience that will provide you with a streamlined, intuitive, and user-friendly platform. Check out this video to get an insider scoop into the migration and make sure to consult our FAQs section for ‘How to’ videos.

Where are my bookmarks? And all of my messages? Not so happy over here. I’m not sure I have time to spend hours trying to figure all of this out.

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We’re working to get bookmarks and messages linked to accounts. It’s not difficult, but it would have added to the downtime if we’d attempted it before launch.


Lots of info here: Welcome to the new CC Forums!


You knew htis was coming: what top banner?
I can’t get in from my cell. Nothing obvious points me to the new scheme.
Can we please have a “Post” button? And one master Reply box. Am I supposed to pick some other poster, hit the Reply on their post, try to compose, then hit Reply again?

@lookingforward do you see the pale blue banner at the top with embedded links? It says Welcome to the new CC forums. It says to click for FAQs and mentions the migration of data to the new site. There is an x in the top right corner, so maybe you inadvertently clicked it? Just checking. If you can’t see it, please alert CCadmin_Sorin.

I eventually found it but, eg, it’s not on this thread.

I imported two pictures for background and profile. I assume one would for the circle on your posts and the other if someone looked at your broader profile. Saved both. They are showing up on preferences but not when I post. Is that going to change. I see some profile pics on threads.

Also will our histories and previous usage and participation numbers be imported on your profile.

Wouldn’t it make sense at some level of likes or agrees for someone to have more seasoned trust scores? Than basic?

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One of the pictures shows up as your background on your user profile page, and the other one shows as a faded out background on your user “card” which pops up if you click on your profile picture (which in your case is currently a capital P).

I can’t figure out where to change the profile picture itself.

Odd. I just adjusted the settings that should allow you to change your avatar. It also allows your background and profile pictures to work. Thanks for the report.

We’re working on getting that information moved over too. We had some unexpected performance issues today that stopped that work, but I’m investigating a workaround. In any case, we should have a solution soon.

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Thank you. It will all come together. These are big moves and you have to play the long game. Keep fighting. It s a good and important service for families.