Annoying I know, but chances?

<p>Hello I'm a junior at a public high school in New Jersey and I've just started to freak out about college. I attended a Catholic private school for my first two years of high school but I had to transfer due to difficulties as a result of a medical disability. Basically, taking an hour long bus ride two times a day killed my bad back. </p>

<p>It wasn't until this year that I really started to care about my grades (Bad, I know). Sophomore year I had a 3.4 GPA but this year I have something around 3.6-3.7 unweighted GPA (I'm not completely sure). I haven't taken the SAT yet, but my PSAT wasn't stellar. I got a 176 (I don't have the exact numbers in front of me, but my weak point was math). I'm taking an SAT prep course in the morning before school to improve, however. </p>

<p>Freshman year I took Biology H, English 1 H, World History H, Algebra 1 CP, French 1 (there was only one class), Scripture I and II, Intro to Art, and Art I. </p>

<p>Sophomore year I took Chemistry H, English 2 AC (It's above honors but below AP), US History 1 H, Geometry CP, French 2 (""), Church, Sacramental Life, and Journalism.</p>

<p>Junior year I'm taking Physics H, English 3 H, US History 2 AP, Algebra 2 CP, French 3, Writer's Workshop, Gym/Health (I got out of it Fresh/Soph year due to my medical disability).</p>

<p>Senior year I will be taking AP Biology, English 4 AP, AP Modern Euro, Trig CP, Sociology, Gym/Health, and the Political Institute (It's basically an intro course to government, law, etc.) </p>

<p>I've been involved in
Girl Scouts - I've earned my Silver Award and am working on attaining the Gold. I've been in Girl Scouts for about 6 years.
Author and Artists Group (2 years)
School newspaper (2 years)</p>

<p>These clubs I all joined this year as they were not offered at my old school...
Mock Trial
Model UN
Key Club
French Club</p>

<p>I recently scheduled my TB testing so that I can volunteer at the local hospital. I've also done a lot of volunteer work through Girl Scouts and my religion classes in Freshman and Sophomore year (We had a requirement of 20 hours per semester). I had also planned to get an internship this summer but I'm not sure if its a possibility. I'm having surgery in June, so depending on recovery time it may effect my ability to do so..</p>