Another Chances (OOS) Question

<p>Can anyone update me on my chances? My stats are</p>

<p>• GPA - 3.5 UW, 6.111 W (for some reason my school W # does not seem to match any other school). If you look only at my GPA in my Honors/AP courses it goes up each of my three years to a high of 3.60 UW / 6.636 W in my Junior year.
• Rank – My school ranks only in deciles using their version (unlike anyone else’s) of Weighted so my weighted GPA of 6.111 probably puts me around the top 15% level. However, if you only include my Honors/AP courses, my 3 year weighted GPA jumps to 6.636 which would put me around the top 7% level. Yes, basically I had a tendency to slack off in the “filler” classes.
• Honors / AP – By the end of my Junior Year I had taken 10 Honors courses along with AP Physics (got a 4 on the test). My senior Schedule includes Honors English, AP World History, AP US History, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, and AP Calculus
• EC – The run of the mill stuff like most everyone – Volunteer at Senior Citizen Center, 3 years Track (both indoor and outdoor), Robotics Club, Biology Club, etc.
• SAT = 1340/1400 and 1970/2400.
• SAT II – Math II (720), Physics (710), Chemistry (710)
• ACT = Composite of 31 (32 if they super score) on two separate tests with highs of 35 on the Science section and 33 on the Math Section. Lowest score was a 29 on the English section.
• College Courses – Took 5 College courses at a local college between Freshman and Sophomore years (College Algebra - C, US History I - A, Applied Calculus – C, Colonial History - B and Pre-Calculus - B) for a GPA of 2.75
• Essays – Everyone says they will write a “killer essay” so I will say that I’m hoping that my essay is “killer”
• LOR’s – Should be stellar as I will include them from both my high school teachers as well as my College Math Professor.</p>

<p>Your stat matches a "typical" UW candidate. Focus on the essays. Which state are you from and what's your intended major?</p>

<p>don't know what your GPA is weighted, but you're probably a match-slight reach. SATs are good.</p>

<p>ps-many "say" they will write a "killer" essay, but in all actuality it takes something truly unique and special to stand out. most people think theirs is better than it actually is.</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>Chances are very good.</p>

<p>INtended major is physics / astrophysics. Weighted GPA, using real world numbers is hard since my school uses some odd system. I will need to talk to them about how they determine weighted.</p>

<p>Given your intended major(s)... I see this as a potential red flag:
College Algebra - C, Applied Calculus – C</p>

<p>Having that said, I assume you have taken and done well in other math classes. Perhaps, consider using the 2nd essay to say something like "I didn't do well at college-level math courses earlier in HS ... I realized that in order to study physics at college, I must work harder to build a solid foundation in a,b,c... so I did x, y,z. Now, I am very comfortable in math as evidence in p,q,r."</p>

<p>The College Algebra and Applied Calculus courses were not high school courses. They were actual College Courses taken at a local collge over the summer between my Freshman and Sophmore years</p>

<p>Actually, the only high school math I had before I took those College courses was Geometry</p>

<p>^^So what dallas said makes sense. In the "Is there anything else you want us to know" section, mention that you took those college courses having had only HS Geometry, and that you learned what you need to do in order to do well in college math.</p>

<p>But Dallas's quote was "I didn't do well at college-level math courses earlier in HS" so I took that to mean he was under the impression these courese were offered by my high school. I will take the advice but thought that a C in two true first year college math courses as a high school Freshman/Sophmore was pretty good considering I was about average for the class of college students LOL</p>

<p>You may find useful info about essay writing in the UW myths article thread posted by Barrons. Remember to not nitpick (criticize) when people give help- let those details ride. PM me IF you get in and into the Honors program- son in Physics/math courses at UW.</p>

<p>UW does not use any weighted grades. UW takes the best test scores from one session, no mixing of subscores to get a higher one.</p>

<p>Wasn't meant to sound like nit picking. Thought the suggestion was good and I will add into the application. I actually visited two weeks ago and loved the campus. Much diff than UIUC</p>

<p>Glad you love the campus! Who doesn't?! :) Good luck and keep us posted.</p>

<p>Thanks will do. Application should be going in by October 1</p>