<p>Hello, I happened across here thanks to a friend, and decided to put a chances thread up, since I am sure most students are worried about what are there chances for entering different colleges.</p>
<p>Please hold back on the criticisms, I know my averages are on the lower ends, compared to the majority of people here...</p>
<p>My SAT Score is 1870,
710 for math
630 for Critical Reading
530 for Writing (ouch... my essay was a 10 however..)</p>
<p>I have yet to take my SAT IIs, but will be taking them on German, Math, and Physics.</p>
<p>As for my gpa...
Frosh it was 3.9 unweighted, and my Soph and Junior year was 3.9 weighted.</p>
<p>As of right now, I have only taken a single AP class, and that would be computer programming. However, this upcoming year I will be taking AP Calc, AP Physics, as well as AP Programming again.</p>
<p>As for extra curricular activities, I am a track runner during the winter and spring season, and I help out with two different community service organizations.</p>
<h2>Every summer that I have has been spent working for either my mom or her fiancee. Let me say, we are not always finacially stable... and so I have no choice but to help out with the family. If it is worth anything, I have my own business, where I make websites for people (mostly cliants of my moms fiancees...) I use to model, and have spent a great deal of my life in retail (my mom owned a toy store and then a clothing store.) I worked long enough in retail to decide its something I don't intend to do later on in life....</h2>
<p>Now to get to the nitty gritty. The colleges I am looking toward are Rensselear Polytech Institute, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Carnegie Mellon University. Those are my three main choices that I am looking at, in hopes to study computer science as a major.</p>
<p>But, there are several other colleges my councilor has set aside for me to look at as well...</p>
<p>Case Western
MIT (wasted visit, I know..)
Worcester Polytech
Northeastern U.
University of Pittsburgh
Ursinus College
Hobart & Smith
SUNY Binghamton</p>
<p>They are all suppose to have good CS programs... but if anyone here knows of any other good computer science colleges, feel free to tell me. I won't be able to visit all of these colleges, but some I may take a deeper glance at than others.</p>