If I apply ED, get deferred but then accepted during the Regular Round, is there still the binding aspect or does that go away?
If I apply ED, get deferred but then accepted during the Regular Round, is there still the binding aspect or does that go away?
@rdeng2614 Edit: NO (read the question wrong, sorry). Unless you get accepted ED, nothing is really binding.
Just for ED rule of thumb:
ED is usually reserved for first choice schools.
If you are accepted ED, you must commit to this school.
Once you are accepted, you must withdraw all your other applications.
If you are deferred, you are now in the regular applicant pool. No more binding.
The answer above should have been NO . Once you are in RD there is no binding aspect.
Once you are moved to RD it is no longer binding. Only an ED acceptance is binding.
Thanks for the clarification!
It’s only binding if you get accepted in the ED round.